…when you just want someone to talk with, only to realize that you’ve got absolutely nothing to talk about?
…when you just want someone to talk with, only to realize that you’ve got absolutely nothing to talk about?
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Find someway to bring up what I had to eat the night before.
I’ve been in this situation so many times where I’m sitting there with some one who wants to talk but has nothing to say, so i end up doing all the talking, they just listen. It kinda drives me up the wall! lol
And by “bring up what you had to eat,” what exactly do you mean? Regurgitation probably isn’t everyone’s favorite topic.
@clevername hahahaha ^^funniest thing I’ve read in awhile, thanks
That pretty much sums up my capacity to carry on a normal conversation with anyone. So I usually just wander off somewhere else and pretend the awkwardness never happened. 😛
@lorax You’re a bit of an oddball, aren’t you?
J/k. I do the same thing. Sometimes I’m good at rambling about nothing, though.
You have no idea… haha… whenever I think about this kind of thing, it reinforces the idea that I’m probably an alien that somehow got stranded amid a horribly confusing species of primate, on some backwater planet, far from wherever I started out from.
Try to steer the (non-existent so far) conversation into talking about the food you ate last night.
“I had a cracking bit o’ lamb chop yesterday. Marinated it was, for 4 hours. Beautiful roast potatoes on the side. The Mrs did a wonderful job, couldn’t have done it meself.”
Shit like that. I don’t know why that is how I speak in my head, but you get the idea.
Just drivel on about food and eventually the conversation will segue into another topic, such as shopping in a supermarket (that’s what usually happens to me). And then you just think of the last time you went shopping and describe what happened there.
This method won’t work if you’re anorexic or bulimic because they won’t be comfortable talking about food with you.
It also doesn’t work very well if you’re poor. “I had ramen last night. Again. And this morning. And for lunch.”
Then again, if you’re poor, you probably won’t have to worry about talking to people very often.
If you have nothing, what will you talk about? All the stuff you’ll never have? Most see that as either delusion or “being negative.” A (poor) man is no longer allowed to dream.
Actually, i’m just being very cynical. It’s pretty easy to just ramble on and on about pretty much nothing. Just pick literally anything, and start talking. With ideas whipping through the mind, you’re bound to come across something at least a little bit interesting, and then the dynamics of banter can start to spark an actually enjoyable, interactive conversation.
If you having nothing, talk about what you once had. Memories.
Or you do what I do, make shit up. Probably won’t see them anytime soon anyway, I’ll deal with it when it comes about. It’s for future me to deal with (the root of my drug issues – I’m retarded haha). This method will also fall through if you have to see said person frequently. Gets hard to keep up with all the lies.
Just spew shit for a while and eventually something will suck them in. Or make them finally leave, if that’s what you’re aiming for.
@lorax Aww. You and I probably from the same far off planet, then, as I am rather convinced of that for myself. 😛
Look at them with a pained expression on your face and say.. Please don’t bore me.
when i’m drunk.. i usually get them to talk about themselves.. people seem to love that.. I’d always start with something like.. so.. tell me something interesting about yourself..
All the rest is just nodding, smiling and “oh. huh. really.”