I have recently been wondering if I should just end it. I’m only 18 and I lost a child my girl broke up with me because she cheated on me and decided I am not good enough for her. My family no longer speaks with me because I’m 18 and I almost had a child, then my child was aborted by his would be mother and no one in my family nor will my ex even talk to me anymore. I lay here in my apartment all alone, I wonder if should go get my gun out of the closet it just seems so tempting. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Should I just end it all, does anyone care anymore
Sounds like you’ve had a string of really rotten luck, t1g. How about instead of going for that gun, hang out here for a while. Maybe you’ll find some help, or at least a distraction to get you through the night. As they say, you can always kill yourself tomorrow…
It’s just so hard to do anything anymore it’s like no one cares. How do people deal with this kind of thing
I care, from the bottom of my heart
you need to go get help AND NO NOT DRUGS
I was like you and actualy I was 18 when I turned to realigon, I felt hint FELT no one cared but I found out he did
to know someone loves you for who you are and not by what you do that a mistake
you need support and it needs to be positive
don’t go by what you feel, because when your done what you feel is wrong, because of the bad talk ppl do,
there someone who understands and you need to find them or that one person
suicide isn’t the answer and it never will be, its something you can take back
look at what you feel when you aren’t down, just say to yourself when the day ends “I made it through today and I am STRONG”
to ask for help you are is strong, so you already showing strength
@cupcakebliss19 You make it sound so easy and yet it’s so hard. I feel so lost that I just can’t continue to go on. Why would anyone miss a waste of space like me anyways, no one cares.
But that’s how you feel at this moment in time and that very well may be the case right now, but it doesn’t always have to be…you could find people who do care. And I guarantee someone would be sad you were gone. I hope you find the courage to go on and see you’re worth someone’s time out there.
Bro, do you want to talk on the phone? People here care, especially me.