Do you have anyone (IRL or on the internet) for who you could say that he/she really understands you? Someone with whom you could talk about anything that you think about.
If yes, who is it? If not, do you think that a person like that even exists?
Do you have anyone (IRL or on the internet) for who you could say that he/she really understands you? Someone with whom you could talk about anything that you think about.
If yes, who is it? If not, do you think that a person like that even exists?
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I think if any of us had a person that trustworthy we wouldn’t be here
Really understands me? maybe not but.. at least someone who will listen to pretty much anything I have to say and not be shocked. Will offer up advice and try to help me in ways that she can. A good friend.
Yeah I do. I know they’d understand all the gibberish that comes out of my mouth.
They’re a very good friend. Just a bit quirky and, at the moment, distant when I try to speak to them in person.
That’s a negative, Roger.
I do have a person irl i can talk to about anything with and who understands me most of the time(unless it is about how attractive he is to me) but now i realize since no one is exactly like you they probably will never understand every single thing about you. I also have an internet friend who has been a friend for 6-7 years i can tell pretty much tell anything to and he understands almost everything about me but i would never tell him or anyone else every thought i think because it could be rude. For example if i feel really tired and sick and he really wants to talk about something i wont say to him please hurry up and say it i really need to sleep even if i think it lol. So i think it is impossible to find someone who can understand every single thing about you and that you can tell every thought to but i know you can come very very close.
No. Previously, yes. The problem with depression is the only people that will ever truly get it, understand and care are other depressed people. “Normal” people will pretend to care but the moment it gets too real for them in their perfect world bubble they’ll throw you under the bus and push you away to someone else. Depressed people won’t do that, but they are much more volatile. I know my one friend Who I could tell anything to would drop off the face of the earth for days or weeks at a time and eventually ended up killing herself. Basically I learned not to trust anyone because at the end of the day, you may have spent 23 hours with someone else, but you’ve spent a full 24 with yourself.
No, and No.
I find it’s better to tell strangers my personal business, in the moment they will feel compelled to listen, they will be too polite to tell you that your crazy, and they won’t try to you their opinion cuz they aren’t prepared. And they don’t come home with you so they will forget what you said eventually!