Hi my name is Aaron and im 14 years old and in school I get bullied because of the type of music I like such as Avenged Sevenfold and Pierce the veil, I am very shy and find it hard to make friends so I don’t have many friends and the people that I am friends with are bulling me and I can’t switch schools because my parents want me to stay in this school but this school will kill me. My best friends are in different schools and some online so ya I also am the only goth in my school and everyone hates me because I have different tastes in music and friends and I’m bisexual so that just makes it worse with all the homophobic people in my school so ya thanks for taking the time to read this 🙂 bye
You mention friend that bully you…no one that bullies you is you friend. Bullies are very insecure, but unlike you are not able to admit this to themselves. As long as you are not being physically abused, be yourself and you will find a few good quality friends you can confide in. I know it’s a cliche that has been said a zillion times but it’s the quality not the quantity of friends that count. Don’t accept negative judgments, just brush them from your shoulders like dust. It is better to be alone than to hang out with people that bully you. Sorry if I sound preachy; it isn’t intended… just how I write. if you’re introspective about your life, you are already way ahead of a lot of the kids around you. When it comes to your interests and styles…stick to your guns. F*ck what other people think.
I feel the same way except I don’t get bullied ; I just feel like I don’t fit in
ya thanks man you actually made me feel a bit better so thanks well what I meant by friend is more of only person that I have to hang out with 🙂
I feel like i don’t belong anywhere at all. 🙁
You’ll find them. You’ll find people of quality. You won’t even have to seek them out; it’ll just happen when you’re not expecting it. 🙂
homeschool or cyber school
i am exactly like you, i love that music, also bi and get bullied for it, hang in there it’ll get better, kinda did for me
Ya man you to