i don’t know how this idea started but i had this strong feeling that i was going to die before i turned 13. i felt all alone and didn’t have much to live for.even though i was young i was unafraid of death or what would happen after. i was so confused when i live through my 13 birthday. now as i grow i still don’t see much purpose to me living but now i have this ever constant fear of death. what age has done to me giving me fear i did not know as a child.
I agree like 100%. When you’re a child, I feel like adults and everyone around you tries to keep you oblivious. You think growing up is an amazing thing, but all growing up is learning how crappy things are
Every adult wishes they could be a child again and every child can’t wait until they grow up…. I can’t count the number of times I said as a kid “I can’t wait until I’m grown”…oh how foolish and ignorant I was……The truth is that while growing up does come with “freedom” it also comes with the knowledge of the world around you…as a kid we didn’t know or give a shit about death or suffering in the world…we were only worried about trivial things like cartoons and toys….if someone died we didn’t know what it really meant all we knew was that they were no longer here…. the best thing about being a kid is the rose tinted glasses….some children are unfortunate enough to be subjected to molestation or other traumatic events that force them to grow up rather quickly….but for the most part most of us have the rose tinted glasses on until somewhere between 15-18 after that they come off and we have to see the cruel evil world for what it is….. how I wish I could be oblivious like a child forever….I wish I never existed
Growing up is hard work. I think sometimes kids imagine they’ll die before they grow up because it’s hard to imagine when you’re young that one day you will grow up and be an adult. I am about 30 years old now. I have mental retardation so I was oblivious for a lot longer than most people are. I had to focus so hard just to make it through the day because my brain doesn’t work very good. And that kept me from noticing the rest of the world and how bad of a place it is. I am scared of this world. I don’t like it a bit. It’s a nasty place. For instance today I saw two bugs mating outside. One bug had eaten the other’s head off and they were still mating! Things like this are devastating to me. I don’t want to live in a world of such violence and pain.