I often feel this way… but then i realize that i do know/understand ‘how’ others manage to talk or act normally; it’s just difficult to articulate.
Normal is wrong. Wrong is bad. Ergo: Normal is Bad.
‘normal’ people simply don’t understand that they are wrong and/or bad, because ‘normal’ people either simply don’t see ‘it’, or they see it and dissociate.
Not everyone is as bothered by ‘acting normally’ as people like us. Those who aren’t bothered by going along to get along, will do exactly that, because it doesn’t bother them.
I, on the other hand (and i’m guessing many of ‘you’ here), am very deeply bothered, constantly, by what ‘normal’ seems to mean… and i feel that ‘going along to get along’ is actually supporting the very systems that actively obfuscate reality and obstruct my path toward realizing the potential of this life i ended up stuck with, for which i never asked.
The only ‘right’ way, is to work to know what is what, what is right or wrong, good or bad, and do whatever you want, whatever you think you should, even if that means speaking and acting in ways ‘normal’ people have been taught to think are ‘taboo.’ Not everyone has seen what you’ve understood, and when they do see it, it’s very unlikely they will immediately understand. Meanwhile, they’ll act like you’re ‘weird’, which is fine, considering what ‘normal’ really means… but the problem is that those ‘normal’ people usually think ‘weird’ is a bad thing, which is not reliably and consistently true. Sometimes weird is bad… but quite a lot of what ‘normal people’ seem to think is bad-weird, is actually not.
TL;DR: in short, it’s because they don’t know any better. Some haven’t had the chance, but most don’t want to.
Is “normal” a fair assessment when making a comparison to those around us? We’re all individuals so what is “normal” for one may be alien to another … now “socially acceptable” might be more apt description than “normal” but that no more makes being socially acceptable any more “right” if say “socially acceptable” means to persecute others with humiliation and violence.
I guess we could say that “normal”/”Socially acceptable” people do not rape/rob/murder … i think we’d have a hard time finding any “wrong” or “bad” aspects to that type of normal behavior to NOT execute those actions.
But how hard is it to say “Hi, how are you?” “Have a nice day” … i’d say mundane fits better than normal, but normal works … and one does not need to definitively establish their individuality or differentness beyond their attire or hair style to deliver a kind greeting that the majority of humanity would consider a “normal” “socially acceptable” greeting and pleasantries
Be yourself as long as it doesn’t infringe on others without their choice to participate in whatever is normal for you as an individual … everything else is background noise
I hate it that there are so many taboos. Even things like autism are a taboo, because you are ‘weird and not social’. I wish there were no taboos, it would be so much easier. I could wear short sleeved shirts without people calling me EMO, which I’m definitelly not. People should understand what taboos do with other people, it’s amazing how taboos influence my life.
I’m going to pose in a radical position for the sake of making a point:
The most successful animals take what they want, and kill anyone who tries to hurt them.
Rape is adaptation to an unfavorable reproduction environment. Perseverance.
Robbing is adaptation to lack of better acquisition methods. Improvise.
Murder can easily be construed as self preservation, or, the mastery of one’s own environment, by eliminating competition or sources of problems.
None of these things are innately or inherently “bad” or “wrong,” it’s just that ‘civilized people’ (ie: who agree to contribute to the same system that has engineered both their dependence upon it, as well as their allowing it to obligate them to behave certain ways) need rules, so that the literal “best” humans won’t just take it upon themselves to run the world however they want.
The brains are empowered. The richest people are rich not because of physical prowess, but because they are both smart enough and “connected” enough, to enslave other humans, and to restrict their provisions to only allow compliant humans to prosper.
People want to talk about physical rape, robbery, murder…
But look at why society exists in the first place. That is FAR worse, far more systemic, and yet, “taboo” to discuss.
Things get turned into taboos, because we’re supposed to ignore them… not because they’re bad, but because they’re bad /for our masters/.
@Clevername you are right. i think they never really question their action, and that’s why they act normally. we, on the other hand, have seen much, know much, and thus question almost everything. Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is sin. But shouldn’t it be other way round?
@dawg i meant exactly the same thing by being “normal”, that i shouldn’t care about others or their view. but as i get more into it i find it very difficult, maybe impossible too, except if i become as hard as a stone.
“Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is sin. But shouldn’t it be other way round?”
Yes! Absolutely.
Black is white, down is up, left is right, right is wrong.
This is the psychological prison most never even realize shackles them; and those who do realize it, tend to remain physically shackled by it, because it’s almost impossible to “go along to get along,” once you realize that, in so doing, you are actually perpetuating the very things that enslave us all, and obstruct everyone’s escape, not just your own.
This is one of the questions for which i do not have an acceptable answer; one of the most important problems that seems to have no acceptable solution.
You can’t help someone who believes it is wrong to know better… and that seems to be a common enough trait to qualify as ‘normal.’
So, instead of living your life according to the unjust and incorrectly formed judgements of those who believe it is wrong to know better… i recommend simply doing whatever the fuck you want to do, and accepting that, in response to your justifiable actions, some idiot/crazy/evil person may harm you or even end your life over it. Even with all the technological, philosophical, social advancements of the modern world, we are still just a bunch of savages. Well, most of us, anyway. Some of us know better, but knowing better doesn’t change a world full of people who believe that knowing better is wrong. So we have to live under constant threat of their retaliation… in which case, i think it’s perfectly reasonable to do whatever we want, since we could be maimed or killed at any moment, by ignorantly blissful, evil people.
“in so doing, you are actually perpetuating the very things that enslave us all”
oh yes, that’s a thing i too have noticed about life – its viciousness, a catch-22 situation everywhere. that’s why i often view life as a game, a trap, where whether you go left or right u are still in the game…there is no ‘way out’, except, maybe, that ultimate exit.
the thing you recommended is really perhaps the only thing one could do in such situation. but is it possible? i find it so difficult to make other’s opinion not matter. because when its not hate then sympathy or pity take place, so one way or other they always have impact. have you found some way to ignore them?
All you can really do is try to pick the best choice, for you, from moment to moment, until there are neither moments nor choices remaining. I can’t make myself completely not care… but i did go through an adjustment phase, where i reconfigured how i form judgements and decide what and how much to care about, and prioritized “what’s best for me.” I have to do what’s best for me, because someone has to, and if i don’t, who will? No one, that’s who.
Occupy yourself. I mean that in more than one way. Own yourself, and choose to devote your available conscious energies to tasks you find worthy. At some point, you’ll find the limit of stuff you can care about, and it will eventually become clear just how much of yourself you should allow to be “tied up in” any certain thing.
If, like me, you’re unable to just “turn off” your care-switch… then you’ll have to learn to accept that you are human and will have emotions, often even when you don’t want them. The only way is to live with them, and try to get through them. This requires energy, which means you’ll have less remaining energy for other things. More justification for selective association. This is a constant, always-on life requirement. The only time you get a break, is when you’re asleep, or lucky enough to be completely dissociated from things you don’t want your energy tied up in.
Thanks. i think i too will have to go through ‘adjustment phase’. not now although i think, for now there is too much chaos. but i guess with time things will settle and show their real nature.
you are very right. one must take his things in his own hands. right now i think there is much about me that’s controlled by others, or simply by situation.
i am recalling a chapter of ‘thus spoke zarathustra’ where author talks about metamorphosis of soul from being a camel to being a lion. camel takes load and takes instructions from outside in form of “you shall”. but lion snatches his life from hands of others and directs himself as “i will”.
I often feel this way… but then i realize that i do know/understand ‘how’ others manage to talk or act normally; it’s just difficult to articulate.
Normal is wrong. Wrong is bad. Ergo: Normal is Bad.
‘normal’ people simply don’t understand that they are wrong and/or bad, because ‘normal’ people either simply don’t see ‘it’, or they see it and dissociate.
Not everyone is as bothered by ‘acting normally’ as people like us. Those who aren’t bothered by going along to get along, will do exactly that, because it doesn’t bother them.
I, on the other hand (and i’m guessing many of ‘you’ here), am very deeply bothered, constantly, by what ‘normal’ seems to mean… and i feel that ‘going along to get along’ is actually supporting the very systems that actively obfuscate reality and obstruct my path toward realizing the potential of this life i ended up stuck with, for which i never asked.
The only ‘right’ way, is to work to know what is what, what is right or wrong, good or bad, and do whatever you want, whatever you think you should, even if that means speaking and acting in ways ‘normal’ people have been taught to think are ‘taboo.’ Not everyone has seen what you’ve understood, and when they do see it, it’s very unlikely they will immediately understand. Meanwhile, they’ll act like you’re ‘weird’, which is fine, considering what ‘normal’ really means… but the problem is that those ‘normal’ people usually think ‘weird’ is a bad thing, which is not reliably and consistently true. Sometimes weird is bad… but quite a lot of what ‘normal people’ seem to think is bad-weird, is actually not.
TL;DR: in short, it’s because they don’t know any better. Some haven’t had the chance, but most don’t want to.
Is “normal” a fair assessment when making a comparison to those around us? We’re all individuals so what is “normal” for one may be alien to another … now “socially acceptable” might be more apt description than “normal” but that no more makes being socially acceptable any more “right” if say “socially acceptable” means to persecute others with humiliation and violence.
I guess we could say that “normal”/”Socially acceptable” people do not rape/rob/murder … i think we’d have a hard time finding any “wrong” or “bad” aspects to that type of normal behavior to NOT execute those actions.
But how hard is it to say “Hi, how are you?” “Have a nice day” … i’d say mundane fits better than normal, but normal works … and one does not need to definitively establish their individuality or differentness beyond their attire or hair style to deliver a kind greeting that the majority of humanity would consider a “normal” “socially acceptable” greeting and pleasantries
Be yourself as long as it doesn’t infringe on others without their choice to participate in whatever is normal for you as an individual … everything else is background noise
individual dawg
I hate it that there are so many taboos. Even things like autism are a taboo, because you are ‘weird and not social’. I wish there were no taboos, it would be so much easier. I could wear short sleeved shirts without people calling me EMO, which I’m definitelly not. People should understand what taboos do with other people, it’s amazing how taboos influence my life.
I’m going to pose in a radical position for the sake of making a point:
The most successful animals take what they want, and kill anyone who tries to hurt them.
Rape is adaptation to an unfavorable reproduction environment. Perseverance.
Robbing is adaptation to lack of better acquisition methods. Improvise.
Murder can easily be construed as self preservation, or, the mastery of one’s own environment, by eliminating competition or sources of problems.
None of these things are innately or inherently “bad” or “wrong,” it’s just that ‘civilized people’ (ie: who agree to contribute to the same system that has engineered both their dependence upon it, as well as their allowing it to obligate them to behave certain ways) need rules, so that the literal “best” humans won’t just take it upon themselves to run the world however they want.
The brains are empowered. The richest people are rich not because of physical prowess, but because they are both smart enough and “connected” enough, to enslave other humans, and to restrict their provisions to only allow compliant humans to prosper.
People want to talk about physical rape, robbery, murder…
But look at why society exists in the first place. That is FAR worse, far more systemic, and yet, “taboo” to discuss.
Things get turned into taboos, because we’re supposed to ignore them… not because they’re bad, but because they’re bad /for our masters/.
@Clevername you are right. i think they never really question their action, and that’s why they act normally. we, on the other hand, have seen much, know much, and thus question almost everything. Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is sin. But shouldn’t it be other way round?
@dawg i meant exactly the same thing by being “normal”, that i shouldn’t care about others or their view. but as i get more into it i find it very difficult, maybe impossible too, except if i become as hard as a stone.
“Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is sin. But shouldn’t it be other way round?”
Yes! Absolutely.
Black is white, down is up, left is right, right is wrong.
This is the psychological prison most never even realize shackles them; and those who do realize it, tend to remain physically shackled by it, because it’s almost impossible to “go along to get along,” once you realize that, in so doing, you are actually perpetuating the very things that enslave us all, and obstruct everyone’s escape, not just your own.
This is one of the questions for which i do not have an acceptable answer; one of the most important problems that seems to have no acceptable solution.
You can’t help someone who believes it is wrong to know better… and that seems to be a common enough trait to qualify as ‘normal.’
So, instead of living your life according to the unjust and incorrectly formed judgements of those who believe it is wrong to know better… i recommend simply doing whatever the fuck you want to do, and accepting that, in response to your justifiable actions, some idiot/crazy/evil person may harm you or even end your life over it. Even with all the technological, philosophical, social advancements of the modern world, we are still just a bunch of savages. Well, most of us, anyway. Some of us know better, but knowing better doesn’t change a world full of people who believe that knowing better is wrong. So we have to live under constant threat of their retaliation… in which case, i think it’s perfectly reasonable to do whatever we want, since we could be maimed or killed at any moment, by ignorantly blissful, evil people.
“in so doing, you are actually perpetuating the very things that enslave us all”
oh yes, that’s a thing i too have noticed about life – its viciousness, a catch-22 situation everywhere. that’s why i often view life as a game, a trap, where whether you go left or right u are still in the game…there is no ‘way out’, except, maybe, that ultimate exit.
the thing you recommended is really perhaps the only thing one could do in such situation. but is it possible? i find it so difficult to make other’s opinion not matter. because when its not hate then sympathy or pity take place, so one way or other they always have impact. have you found some way to ignore them?
All you can really do is try to pick the best choice, for you, from moment to moment, until there are neither moments nor choices remaining. I can’t make myself completely not care… but i did go through an adjustment phase, where i reconfigured how i form judgements and decide what and how much to care about, and prioritized “what’s best for me.” I have to do what’s best for me, because someone has to, and if i don’t, who will? No one, that’s who.
Occupy yourself. I mean that in more than one way. Own yourself, and choose to devote your available conscious energies to tasks you find worthy. At some point, you’ll find the limit of stuff you can care about, and it will eventually become clear just how much of yourself you should allow to be “tied up in” any certain thing.
If, like me, you’re unable to just “turn off” your care-switch… then you’ll have to learn to accept that you are human and will have emotions, often even when you don’t want them. The only way is to live with them, and try to get through them. This requires energy, which means you’ll have less remaining energy for other things. More justification for selective association. This is a constant, always-on life requirement. The only time you get a break, is when you’re asleep, or lucky enough to be completely dissociated from things you don’t want your energy tied up in.
Thanks. i think i too will have to go through ‘adjustment phase’. not now although i think, for now there is too much chaos. but i guess with time things will settle and show their real nature.
you are very right. one must take his things in his own hands. right now i think there is much about me that’s controlled by others, or simply by situation.
i am recalling a chapter of ‘thus spoke zarathustra’ where author talks about metamorphosis of soul from being a camel to being a lion. camel takes load and takes instructions from outside in form of “you shall”. but lion snatches his life from hands of others and directs himself as “i will”.