I hate high school so much. It always brings up my suicidal feelings. No matter how deep I bury them they always seem to reappear. I’ve given up on trying to make friends. I’ve lived in this town for 7 years and I’ve lost every friend I’ve ever made. I must have became “friends“ with over a hundred people in those past seven years, and I’ve only actually left 1 of them all the rest left me.Â
I eat lunch by myself outside and I hate it. I hate all of the stares I get. I hate how this popular girl talks to me sometimes just because I`m alone. She pities me and that’s all. I hate pity. It reminds me that I really am a loner.
But which is worse?? Being ignored, or being ridiculed?
If I sit outside I am (for the most part) ignored.
If I sit in the cafeteria people are mean to me and won’t let me eat my lunch in peace.
I hate high school. I don’t fit in with anybody. I don’t have any friends and I’m exhausted from being so alone for so long.
I think being ridiculed is much worse. Being alone gives you peace (hopefully).
I dealt with both. I would rather have pity. Because, I do get lonely… and loneliness is a very slow painful death then pity at least somebody fake cares.
high school is only an unreasonable parody of the social relations in the real world… its over fast and ppl change from who they were then… it does suck when your on the bottom of that social caste system but its practicly meaningless after those short 4 years… hope everything get better for you
@tokey once an asshole always an asshole, and once a whore, always a whore. You can’t change the past or make up for it.
I’d rather be ignored and do my own thing. Most teenagers are assholes, and I should know, I have to put up with them every day.
its not always true, some ppl change. and you cant change the past, but in my opinion you can make up for it… its so cliche but you can do anything you put you mind to…
That happened to me too, I was embarrassed sitting alone well everyone giggled with their friends, but you know what? I got through it, and graduating never Neely better
@tokey if you can do anything you put your mind to… cure hunger, cure aids, cure bullying, cure all these horrible things that make life shitty… come on… put your mind to it.
High school is the universe’s way of making life-long failure shitbags feel important for 4 years. Keep working and you’ll have *plenty* of time to point and laugh at those assholes.
Ridicule was a lot more painful for me than being ignored. I was actually grateful when people ignored me because it was either that or being made fun of (I was one of about 20 special needs students). I was constantly ridiculed over my appearance and my being extremely mentally delayed- neither of which I could change. It’s been a decade now since I finished high school and I still deal with ridicule and social rejection but I am very glad to be out of that poisonous environment of high school.
i cannot change the those things which are out of my reach… but you can cure hunger by feeding someone, you can cure bullying by standing up for someone… its just that those things are huge problems to tackle all at once for everybody… but individualy you can… or maybe im wrong… i dunno
@Tokey It hasn’t worked yet, and it probably won’t.
I think most people would say ignored is better. Obviously, best case scenario would to be not ignored and treated well, next best is just being ignored, and least desirable is being actually put down for who you are.
It depends on who it’s coming from. I’d rather be ignored by people i don’t care about. I’d rather be ridiculed by someone i do care about, instead of just being ignored.
I personally hate being ignored almost more than I hate being ridiculed. but I guess when you’re ignored you don’t have people making fun of who you are.
I’d rather be ignored….being ridiculed is just the fucking worst especially when a lot of people are around and you just want to disappear so fucking bad….but being ignored is no fun experience either…..especially when you acknowledge someone and they pretend to not have heard or seen you…..both are painful but IMO ridicule is worse
Yep. ignored is the better of the 2 options.
i recall some poor bastard getting an erection when we were forced to take showers in gym class way back when. He eventually switched schools due to the shitstorm of abuse he suffered because of that.
I wouldn’t be so quick to judge the popular girl either.. you never know whats going on in someones head… unless all she ever says to you is.. you poor lonely bastard.. i pity you.
if that’s the case… then it’s probably pity.
Distract yourself from being alone if you can. books if you’re intellectual.. sketching if you’re artistic.. running if you’re athletic.. music. whatever.
High school is the meanest place. I had two best friends, but the left for college while I was locked up in a mental institution. I was always made fun of in high school, mostly because my parents moved me between schools. That’s what started the rumors the last move. The populars started the rumor that I was a slut and had a baby. It made no sense to me especially when most of the school knew that I was still a virgin.