I’m writing a story inspired by a dream I had, when I’m finished I will post it. The general story line is about a girl that falls in love with the devil, death, evil, or whatever you feel like calling him. I haven’t decided on his name however I am tempted to go with the ever classic, Lucifer. Thoughts?
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N K Jemisin
your idea put me in mind of it… good fantasy novel.
that is all.
Asmodeus came to my mind.
@Roak, I love reading I’ll see if I can find the novel, thanks! I always love good book suggestions.
@jswissman, hmmm I like that. 🙂 I looked it up and the connotations and previous depictions are great, they work well, I am going to hold off in a final decision for now but yours is high on the list 🙂