How would you do it? What’s the best way in your opinion, with the least pain and suffering? I can’t endure to exist for much longer and I need help figuring out how to end it all efficiently and painlessly? Please help me with ideas.
Jumping off a high place.
That would be SO painful tho. Omg… I stood on the balcony of a 14th floor apartment that I just moved from a while ago and I’ve contemplated jumping so many times, but I just don’t want to go that way. I wish there could be a way that isn’t too painful.
I think that’s why so many people try to OD taking pills, they think that they’ll lapse into some sort of sleep and just never wake up again. It seems like an easy way, although I know that it doesn’t work, you’ll just vomit and prob ruin organs, but still live. That would be great tho, if there was a way where you could just fall into some sleep that you never wake up from. Carbon monoxide, would that be like that?
my sister did carbon monoxide and it’s terrible and painful. Don’t. Just don’t.
Really Julie? I was seriously considering that method. I didn’t think it would be painful. I’m very sorry about your sister. 🙁
Best way is barbiturates but of course those are very hard to get
Why barbiturates? Wouldn’t that be like any other pill overdose? I have fiorinal c 1/2 which has both codeine and a barbiturate in it… What would large quantities of that do?
Thank you for all your responses btw.
they put you to sleep…if you take enough…you won’t wake back up…they are very potent so you don’t need a lot like you would OTC medication
Or as others have suggested here, using a gas like helium or ********. It displaces the oxygen and it’s very painless and reasonably fast. Of course you have to do it the right way or you could end up brain-damaged after which would make things much worse after.
CT ever since people started using barbs. like ******** to commit suicide, they banned them. So now you can’t really get anything similar that would end your life.
They still use them to euthanize animals…unfortunately they expect humans to suffer and die a slow painful death while our pets can drift away peacefully and quickly. Fucked up world we live in.
I wonder how much barbs are in my fiorinal. I’d still worry about having an od just as with too many sleeping pills for example…
As for the gas, I hadn’t thought of those two. Helium would be so easy to get too. I had thought of carbon monoxide, and that seems like it would be painless.
Thanks for your thoughts on this. It’s very interesting to hear other people’s ideas.
Oh SecondLife, I hadn’t read your second post when I had responded earlier. I get it now, I didn’t know much about barbs other than that my dr had told me that the fiorinal that I take contains one. I realize now after reading your post that it’s probably way too little to do anything, plus besides that and codeine, they also contain acetaminophen or aspirin so they’d probably just induce vomiting. I’m going to do a google search on barbs just in case I find something. Thank you very much for the info SecondLife. I’m in so much pain, it’s really getting hard to take for even another week…
Anyone who really wants to do this shit. HIt me up.
Why do you need someone to do it with you Ifoundmeandyou? You left a really nasty comment to one of the posters, so that makes me question your intentions to even be here. Are you really suffering or are you just being a troll?
@cagedtiger: you can’t take him serious….one day he is adamantly advocating against suicide and how its wrong and how he overcame it and yadda yadda yadda….next day he is offering to be a suicide part ner … so who knows….
@ painnlife, I see. Thanks for the info. I just think the cruel comment that he left on someone’s post was unacceptable.
@cagedtiger: Yeah I saw it…..where he called the girl a hoe ….but actually that is no surprise to those of us who have been here for a while….he has been rude to several users in that manner…
Oh well I’m new here and I was shocked to see a member write that to someone who is obviously suffering so much. There doesn’t even seem to be a way to report comments?