There is no one part of the universe less important than another, or more important than the whole. Even the most insignificantly tiny thing can change the world, because if it were not there, this reality would be perpetually changed- a different place. Likewise, those that see themselves as too important, more important than the whole, will find themselves despairingly depressed at the honest truth. We are all equal, we all matter. You are equal parts insignificant and completely relevant and perfect; your simple existence changes the world, all you must do is be.
No, simply existing is not enough by a long shot….that is why the majority of people are desperate to make it into the upper echelon of society. I disagree with you…”the most insignificantly tiny thing can change the world” false…A homeless man gone effects nothing, an ant that dies effects nothing, a tree that falls in the forest effects nothing, a lost cell phone effects nothing and by “nothing” I mean in the context of the world…not individual minuscule changes…
“Likewise, those that see themselves as too important, more important than the whole, will find themselves despairingly depressed at the honest truth. ” false… I don’t recall a King or President committing suicide…and you can bet your ass these people most certainly believe they are more important than the whole…
We are equal on face value yes true we are all human no more no less….by when you start examining individual talents and traits we are not equal by a long shot…I do not matter in the same way Lebron James or Tom Brady matters….I cannot do what they do…. I don’t matter in the same way The President does… I cannot do what he does…. I don’t matter in the same way Steve Jobs mattered….I cannot do what he did… We are not all equal when you can see for yourself some people possess things that others simply don’t…. I am not “completely relevant and perfect” I damn sure know I’m not perfect…if this is perfection I am curious about what imperfection looks like…
My existence does not “change the world” and neither does yours or many others….If we were to vanish tomorrow tell me what would change globally? What would a guy in some hut in Africa care about it? What would a kid in china care about it? What law or policy would change because we weren’t here? Would the sun stop rising and setting each day? Would the grass refuse to grow? I mean life would go on as usual without a blink of an eye….everything would remain as it is without us….
So again No, simply existing is not enough by a long shot
But then there’s the butterfly concept, that if we were to go back in time and hurt a butterfly or touch anything, the current day or the future would be changed. Thus you are as important as a butterfly. Is that any consolation?
I would like to believe I am as important as everyone else, and I am no less important than the whole.
So yes, I agree that simply existing is not enough. Bu I would like to hold on to something