Since I have updated on here. Believing someone actually reads my posts, and gives a damn about them, or me. Humor, in my own way. I felt the need to update, in between my sessions of binge drinking. You want to know a wonderful fact? Vodka is good. Vodka is damn good. And whoever said alcohol doesn’t fix anything, clearly wasn’t drunk enough. I have given up entirely. There’s just no point any more. There really isn’t. What will it get me? I’m done trying because all it ever does is leave me broke or broken. And I just want to find a reason to live. Just one. And I have been trying. I am trying so fucking hard, but I swear to christ, not a single person wants me to succeed. I just don’t want to keep fighting a battle that I very clearly am going to lose. I’m done. I don’t want to live anymore, and I’d post a date, my last day. But I know I don’t have the means, and pills around here are expensive. I figure that will be what I save up for. I will save, and buy a shit ton of pills. Go out that way. Quiet and cowardly, just like everyone wants me to be.
Keep drinking vodka, and maybe just maybe you can truck on. 🙂
(That’s my philosophy, anyway.)
i love vodka, but i hate it too. just like beer and weed and..
every time i consume, i feel like im making excuses to not be my true self. whats the point of these things if they only make it worse eventually
Can’t we just get drunk together? Maybe that will help a tiny bit