I just want to cry. To let it all out. To have someone hold me. Tell me they love me that everything will be alright. That they will never leave me no matter what. No matter how hard it gets. That they will never ever give up on me. Even wheni have given up on myself. I just want to cry.
you will find them,sweet heart,you will find them.
I’ve imagined a person you’re describing many, many times. It helps a little to dream.
Let it out. Let it all out.
I don’t want to be the “party pooper” here….but there is no such person…..Nobody not even parents love you “no matter what”……love comes with terms and conditions just like any other emotion it would silly to think that it doesn’t…..even gods love (in the bible) comes with terms and conditions….so there is no such thing….
When it gets hard…very hard…..extremely hard….majority of people will leave you….that’s just how it is….people have a limit just like anything else….everything has a tolerance and once you reach it …it can’t be tolerated any longer….there is not a single person on earth who doesn’t have a breaking point….a point where they will give up on you….
I’m not saying this to be mean but you need to stop looking for a person like that because they don’t exist….and looking for such a person will only increase your sorrow once you realize what I’ve said here is true….
even if there is no person i don’t care i need to believe there is and nothing will make me stop, cause if i stop believing in that i will die.
@silentlisten ….umm no you won’t ….if you stop believing in a false conception you will not die unless you choose to end your life based on your unbelief in a false idea….
It doesn’t matter to me if you stop or not however I feel you should know that what you’re looking for doesn’t exist and you would be much better off knowing this upon finding someone rather than holding onto it then when shit happens you’re devastated because you held a belief that was false…..it’s totally up to what to believe…..just don’t be mad when it’s proven that it’s not true
hell i no there is no such person. i know that when shit comes i will be alone, but even though i know that i can believe. its a sad way to live, in a lie, but it is the way i know how.
You may or may not experience unconditional love in your lifetime. You’re probably more likely to find it because it’s something you believe in. It does exist. There are millions of people around the world that’ll tell you that and they aren’t any better than you.
@DOM…. I don’t really think anyone has experienced unconditional love….that’s not to say strong deep passionate love isn’t a thing because she may find that…..but unconditional? I don’t think such a phenomenon exists…..everyone has something that if you do it you will not be loved by them any longer…..all love comes with conditions and terms….if there is something you can do to stop someone from loving you then that love isn’t conditional….
@ PaiNlife I’ve seen, heard and read about the most unbelievable, outrageous and just bizarre things people do for love. I don’t think the full extent of that is something the average person needs to worry about. If I was an axe murderer it might come as no surprise if peoples feelings toward me changed a little bit.
I love my kids very much, i love them no mater what they do and i may not like it sometimes but i love them no mater what they do and i make sure they know that to. I always knew i brought them into a cruel world and so i always let them know no mater what they choose to do with their life or what they wanted to be all i wanted for them was to be happy. My kids did grow up around a few pple who made bad comments abt gay pple tho i hated that very very much..so i also let them know early on that nothing was wrong with that and that something is wrong with people who say things like that and they are just being mean people and that it was ok to be with whoever you wanted to be all that matered is that they loved each other. I would not have lasted this long without my kids and if anything happened to one of my kids that would realy be the end of me i would follow them because i could not go on. I can and have done whatever it took to make sure they didnt have to suffer in this life and as long as im here i always will. Not all mothers are mean to their kids and dont love them unconditionally. I realize there are some bad parents out there tho and that is sad
I will always love my fiancee the same way to no mater what he does and says unfortunatly the more you love someone the more pain you feel
@DOM even still its conditional IMO
@iamsara198…. I’m not saying you don’t love your kids and maybe there is nothing they could do to stop your love…..but I mean you won’t know until they do something on that scale….
actually you wouldnt believe what my son did.. an it crushed my soul but i still love him just as much. A friend he met in school just happened to be the son of one of my school bullies,, a bully i had in school who for one sexually asaulted me in first grade and made my life a PURE LIVING HELL till 10th grade and he is the reason i quit school. my son went to this friends house and made really good friends with his friends dad and so when my son would come home i would have to relieve all this stuff again cuz the friends dad would talk abt it to my son! I was devestated but i did not try to stop him from going there and my son even said he wanted to live with them becuase it was more fun than living with me. You would not believe how i felt evertime my son came home and talked about stuff still knowing he would rather be with them because they were more fun. I just stuck it out and he did finally come out and tell me he didnt want to be there anymore and he felt bad about it
@Iamsara198….. If your fiance cheated on you left you got married then had kids….I think you’d revise that statement…..kids are one thing but a mate is another story
Also while he was staying with these pple and the “fun” house he liked to be in more than mine he told them i was a heavy drug user to get to say longer! the pple he stayed with called the social servies and they came to my house and i had to take a piss test in front of pple ..god i coudl have died from the embarassemnt.. even tho of course i was clean
ha painnlife now that u put it that way abt my fiancee i t hink u could be right:P still nothing wold change my love for my kids
the think is.. kids will do stupid things and maybe some very selfish things time to time that you wont like.. I know i did to. But before you have kids you have to deal with things like that and still love them no mater what they do,, or don’t have them. In the end when he got tired of his friends house an he came to me telling me how bad he felt about all of it i felt bad that we both had to feel bad abt it
an im sorry i spammed your thread
its ok talking things out helps
It IS possible to find such a person, even if it’s not as romantic as your post sounds… or so it would seem from other people I know. If it helps you to dream, then dream. ~You can’t take the sky from me!~
Personally, I would say it’s worse to THINK you have such a person only to watch them leave you when you didn’t even do anything “wrong” to drive them away, except to be your not-good-enough, not-interesting-enough, worthless self.
I get what your saying. Thanks for understand as well.