There was a thread that I posted that had two main topics, ideas for guaranteed ways that work and I was asking people for their opinion on the “hell for eternity” issue when it comes to suicide. Where did that thread go? Lucky I saved the answers that people posted in a file on my computer already, but nonetheless I don’t know why it’s gone.
In the trash…its not completely deleted but if you click on the bubble icon then go to post then click on trash its there….you can restore it but it’s probably best if you don’t….it was removed because it was asking about methods which it’s stupid we can’t talk about it I mean most of us found this place searching for methods anyways….but yeah that’s where it is….
Admins and mods sometimes come by and trash the post that talk about methods….They rarely say anything unless a troll or something is on the site….but usually they just come by and delete post that violate the rules like posts about Preaching to people, Methods, and probably some other stuff I don’t know about
Like i said some mods are more fickle than others … they really need to unwad their panties on that one … there was no “discussion” about methods on that thread and barely any mention … and what was mentioned was expressly generic and overly broad … or maybe it was their way of “showing us” … you know like a bully who can trash post just to prove how “powerful” they are … unless there were some new comments after my last ones, there was nothing in violation on that post … but i guess just questioning the capability and judgement of mods is now forbidden … dear thread trashing mod – GROW UP and ACT like a mature and rational moderator or quit – because you’re too thin skinned for this job!
irked dawg
Oh… thank you for that info PainNlife. I don’t really understand why we can’t talk about that stuff when this site is called the suicide project. As you said, most of us probably found this site while searching for methods or other information on suicide, so wtf? I found it that way. I was so glad that I did, because I thought that I’d found a place where I can be myself, pour out my heart and discuss things anonymously that I wouldn’t be able to talk about with anyone in my “real” life. Here, I’m protected by the fact that nobody knows who I am and therefore can’t stop me. It’s very hard to just keep all these thoughts to myself, like I have been for years. I wish they didn’t restrict what we talked about. It’s not like we can’t find that info elsewhere, but it’s the contact that makes it different finding the info here. At least there’s people actually responding to me and I don’t feel so alone. So why can’t they just let us discuss any topic here including methods, since all that info is out there anyways, but it’s the contact that most of us are wanting in addition to info maybe.
I feel so alone in all this. Less so since I found this website tho, but moderators, please let us discuss everything. :'(
I totally agree Dawg. There weren’t any overly explicit details on that thread, just some general ideas. The longest posts were actually just opinions concerning hell…
Hi. I didn’t see your post but if it was asking for/discussing “guaranteed ways that work” regarding suicide, then the content was probably deleted by Admin/Moderators.
It clearly states at the top of each page on this site: “Do not post for suicide partners or discuss specific suicide methods either. They will be removed.”
Sorry it was removed – and that I missed your “hell for eternity” issue. Sounds interesting.
Who are the mods anyway? Do they ever comment here under their own usernames?
someone on some older post from whenever, mentioned something about legalities of detailed method discussion; essentially, there is risk that it could be legitimately construed as “assisted suicide,” which is illegal… which could cause problems for various people, potentially including those responsible for the site.
Plus, you know… none of you own this site, so there’s only so much “claim” any of us can really make about anything here. It’s not our place to decide how the site functions, even if we do have ideas of how things could be better or different.
It is what it is. It’s pretty decent. Nothing is ever perfect.
Faithless one, there weren’t really any details about methods, just some very broad, general ideas, so I don’t think that it really broke any rules that way. More of the replies addressed if we go to hell for committing suicide. I really am interested in people’s opinions regarding this matter as I was raised in a Christian family and I can’t help to worry about the threat of spending eternity in hell. So, for me it’s helpful to read about other people’s views on this matter, as not everyone was raised to believe this. I’m very open minded and I do embrace other possibilities, but I just need to hear those thoughts from others! I was looking forward to reading more replies, so I wish that they would just restore the post.
Persephone, I have no idea who “they” are. I haven’t seen Mod or any such title next to anyone’s name, but I’d have to think that whoever is given power to be a moderator is also here because they read and comment on posts if not start their own all together. Why else would they be interested in being a member of this site. Mods, who are you?? Please restore my post!!!!!
I mean you can restore it If you want but they’ll just send it back to the trash again later…The only real authority figures I know around here go under the name of “SPADMINISTRATOR” I don’t know who else has power over the site except those under that moniker
Ive done a lot of research on different methods. I would be more than happy to talk about them. Ubfortunately we cant here. Have to find somewhere else to talk.
To be fair – i get the “why” their needs to be a rule limiting what can be discussed particularly in the case of methods … they don’t want the site to become a resource for people to get instructions on “how to …” or to give people ideas or pointers on specifics … but some moderators, i believe, are over stepping their mandate and trying to create an outright moratorium on any mention of any type of method … which defeats the whole purpose of this sight, since someone cannot tell their story or have any meaningful discussion regarding a “suicide” without bringing up the general method they attempted or their family member used.
No – moderators just need to be judicious and not overzealous – the general rule and the reason for it is appropriate
guide dawg
fortunear, can we share email addresses in posts? I don’t even know how to see someone’s profile, so I’m guessing that we can’t. I tried to click on user names and that didn’t work. I’d like to chat by email maybe, just not sure if I’m allowed to post it here.
Tiger, I sent an email to your hotmail.
@fortunear I replied to your email. I’m lost here, didn’t even know that we could see each other’s contact info.
I can only see some peoples. Not completely sure how it works
Hi cagedtiger. Regarding hell… Whether via suicide or any other demise, I’m happy to admit I don’t have a clue about what happens after death and I prefer it that way (also happy to be in the minority willing to admit having no clue about life). Nobody knows the answer and they would be foolish to state otherwise without proof.
I was also raised in a Christian family, but various experiences over the years moved me away from the Church and so now I find myself an agnostic – and ignostic (the idea that God must be defined before He/it can be believed in or even thought about) – which means I’m open-minded about death. And life…
If you are contemplating suicide and you worry about the “threat” of eternal hell, then what you experience is normal, no matter your belief system. Deep down, whatever their religion, nobody really wants to die. They merely want their life (and death) to be pain-free (physical or emotional).
I wish you well.
I mentioned it a few times and people always say if you don’t like it go somewhere else.
Faithlessone, you’re right. Nobody would really want to die except those of us who think (even obsess over) about it are just in so much pain that we don’t see any other way out of it. And you’re also right that nobody really knows what happens after we die. I’m just worried about the possibility of spending all of eternity in hell, suffering millions of times worse than I am now. What a thought. Even if I don’t take my own life, I still could and probably would end up there, if things go according to The Bible. Idk… It feels like a lose lose situation. Everything really feels so hopeless to me. Even death. 🙁
@Caged … put your mind at ease … research the development/creation of the bible … it the biggest man made hoax ever … when one objectively looks at the facts and evidence around its creation one can only objectively conclude that almost every hypothesis the bible puts forth is the creation of mortals and therefore can be dismissed … i’m infinitely more worried about getting hit by lightning (i’m not worried at all) than i am about the possibility of finding the fictions put forth by any religion might be true in any respect.
I know the bible and religious indoctrination has been interwoven in our lives since birth but there is just nothing that supports it as fact other than the writings themselves … and that ain’t much … in 3000 years after the nuclear holocaust man will probably worshiping the cat in the hat and burning people for eating green eggs and ham.
sam i am dawg