It’s kind of funny. There are a lot of people who legitimately cannot use the feet and the legs they are given, and yet they keep struggling to move forward. But I, who have perfectly working feet and strong legs to carry me forwards, am unable to do so. I’m still trapped with my incompetence and inability to stand up for myself. I would fear that I’ll never move away from this cage I’m in, but I’ve long accepted it as fact. I can’t even bring myself to yearn for freedom anymore. And all I can do is cry.
Are you a captive of some pirates somewhere? We’re all free, but that freedom is just as much a box as any house or jail cell might be. It’s like that dude in the Matrix said; there is no spoon. Well, there is no box but what you make.
What sort of cage are you stuck in right now, and is it comfortable for you? If it is, maybe freedom from that cage would not change much except to make you less comfortable. Being comfortable is a kind of necessary evil, but it’s not a state to try and extend indefinitely. Comfort becomes smothering with each passing moment.
Feet and legs are nothing if not purposeless objects that can perform any number of tasks or functions, not the least of which is moving forward. One might argue that forward momentum isn’t physical, though, but mental and spiritual. I mean, what is freedom, anyhow, and who wants to be free if it means crushing all the walls and doorways in your house? Those things are obstacles to escape, after all. And what’s to contain you once they’re gone? A rather large globe full of countless other lifeforms striving to live as best they can, much like everyone else? Much like yourself? Living isn’t a set of formulas that are either right or wrong – life is in the living, and the living is whatever you’re doing right now. Everyone dies. This will be over far too soon, and in far too long a time to wait for it.
Damnit all, this is rambly, too. Someone should douse me with some shut-the-hell-up juice.
presence/absence of legs is not the only thing that alter one’s stance in life. everybody faces his own difficulties according to his own level. equality principle doesn’t apply here.
You’re right that it’s a box of my own making, but it’s also a box made because it’s the only way I know. I think the only reason to be so comfortable is because of being unable to know what it’s like outside of the box that you got used to it.
I’m really just alluding to legs and feet to describe the futility it feels like. I’m always being dictated where and when to move by others that I’ve accepted it as an unchanging fact. But I’ve also realized that regardless if I ever get out of one box, I’ll have to contend with another box, only much bigger.