I don’t know if this description of suicide is accurate even though it it is splashed all over sites that claim they want to help. What if the problem is permanent? Can you help now? I thought not. You can’t give a bullshit definition for something if you have never experienced it before. Another one of societies attempts to label the things which they do not understand.
It’s just another crummy cliché thrown around by people who really don’t understand depression and/or suicidal people. Some problems aren’t temporary.p
It is a permanent solution to a problem(s), period.
They should leave the word “temporary” out of it, because in a lot of cases, it isn’t temporary.
If someone is truly suffering, have attempted to fix it for a long time, in every way they can (meds, therapy, etc), and still can’t fix it …. it only makes sense to me to end it and at least have a chance at something better on the other side.
I do not believe God will punish everyone who does it.
It just isn’t something that feels temporary at all. The sad truth is that it probably IS temporary, it’s just that when you want to kill yourself, you cannot see anything else, that you think the world will be better without you and you will be better without the world and it all fits into place and makes sense. The problems that make you want to kill yourself do not appear to be temporary and that is why you want to kill yourself. It’s all about perception, really, and such definitions don’t work in relation to wanting to die. To the professionals and to the recovered it does seem like a correct definition, but to someone currently in a position where suicide is a reasonable option, it really isn’t. I mostly have problems with the term “commit suicide”, it just sounds so harsh and stuff when really you just want to die because everything’s sad and broken and you are useless and nothing will be okay again etc.
So yeah, to a suicidal mind the problems are permanent and as these are the people the word ‘suicide’ refers to, surely it’s a pretty inaccurate definition when used in such a way.
I just laugh at the “temporary problem” cliche. Some of us are affected by problems that will dog us our whole lives. It can very well be a permanent solution to a permanent problem and rather than struggle on in vain we give in to the comfort of nonexistence to make that problem go away. They can’t hope to understand what they’ve never experienced, I’ve learned.
Yeah what a joke right. If you’re born with a genetic disease it is a permanent problem. If somebody you loved has died it is a permanent problem. If you’ve been burnt in an accident, probably a permanent problem. Brain damaged, permanent.