in my opion of why there is so many speceies of life here but never any proof of any god in a dyeing world,is easy to understand. some people think if life was created then there must be a god on earth that some way lnfluences our lives. first of all there was never any god.what there was at the very begining of time was some thing that had a ability to create the begining of all the diferent species and reality other wise known as mother nature was also created.why the creations were made and the reality made the way it is,l dont have a clue.what l do know is what ever did the createing had limited saying the creator died.yes the creator with all that power was no diferent when it came to mortality then any of its creations.the proof that the creator died soon after it made the beginings of life is simple to realize.there has been no new creations of any new species of life in millions and millions of years.there is continueing species going exstinct,but never any thing new.not a god or a creator made u or me.our parents is why i am hear.not becuase of any god had any diseases and liveing conditions all are responsible from family genetics and the way l chose to live my life.the goverment makes the law of the land and that determans how the envirment around u the creator is dead and if ur down to reality and not to blind to see u know we are my most positive of hopes.if the the creator is in the same place all dead things are,mabye after death will be new creation.i would be interested in ur opinions or thoughts about this.
I wish I could believe that. I believe that there is still a God and he’s testing us. I feel like I’m failing that test but whatever.
About creation after death: also don’t believe it, but it would be nice. I think that like your soul remains on earth or in heaven or hell. I’m afraid that instead of either an end or a new beginning, it will just continue. My fear of death stems from that and the impact on my one true friend. I self harm already so I imagine the pain will be the same, relieving if anything. If my friend would just stop caring and I knew death was the end, I would be dead.
Just my thoughts.
u still beleive in god,good for u.try to hold on to that.that means life hasnt beaten up so bad,to the point that ur mind is so burned out it becomes rotted with despair.consider ur self one of the luckyer ones at the present moment of ur life.
@canerpatient…. who created your creator, who then died?
@nothingremains… what is your god testing us for? What’s the test for the old homeless guy, or the starving child. Doesn’t make any sense. There is no god or creator.
who created the thing that had an amazeing ability to create thousands and thousands of species of and trap us in a reality with no petential to grow.i cant even imagine why any thing with more power would give something the power to create if it knew what intentions it had.l suspect what ever created the life forms knowing we would populate and multiply and trap us in reality made certin for one destent purpose for every liveing being.that is we will all become victims and die in how the the the thing that used its power for dooming its inventions instead of createing aloveing magical world full of fantasy rather then its chosen reality,how it became,i dont know but it had to come from a selfish fulfillment of pure evil.and that my friend depresize the shit out of me.try to live for the moment. soon our part in the show will be over.l do beleive if death is how it looks,being the seise of egzist,it will truely be more peaseful then u can even imagine