That people who run from the near certain death of a battlefield are considered cowards, while people who commit suicide and thus fully face death are also considered cowards?
That people who run from the near certain death of a battlefield are considered cowards, while people who commit suicide and thus fully face death are also considered cowards?
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That’s because society tries to manipulate people into acting in ways that further its own agenda.
No one wants to be considered or feel like a spineless, gutless, yellow-bellied, ***** ass, worthless coward. It’s the lowest of the low, and most people will do anything to avoid feeling like or being viewed as such a thing.
Fact is though, we all got a little bit of coward in us. Each and every last one of us. And it’s not necessarily anything to be ashamed of. Fear is a part of our biological make-up, and is necessary for survival in the world.
So in the case of war, society needs a lot of bullet bags, er…. um…. I mean soldiers to be slaughtered, er…. um….. I mean to fight for and defend the country on its behalf.
And in the case of civilians, well I’ll just let you read this from
“The economic cost of suicide death in the U.S. is estimated to be $34 billion annually. With the burden of suicide falling most heavily on adults of working age, the cost to the economy results almost entirely from lost wages and work productivity.”
So that’s how I see it at least. Perhaps I’m wrong. But then again, maybe I’m not…..
re: that article you posted about the assertion that suicide causes economic losses…
LOL! that is so disgustingly offensive to me… i’ve read that before, and it’s just infuriating.
Because they are “counting their eggs before they’ve hatched.” They are “counting their money while sitting at the table” (the gambler!).
That money has not been made yet, so it cannot belong to them, or anyone else. They’re complaining about loss of POTENTIAL revenue… while profoundly limiting each individual’s potential to enjoy life, with things like completely irrational cannabis laws based on fabricated evidence, bribery, and racist social paranoia (reefer madness!). The whole thing is… /so fucking disgusting/ to me… especially the threat of posthumous disgrace (which is quite an ancient practice, and i believe is also the reason we hear that “Jesus” said and did a bunch of things… that probably actually never happened, or at least went down totally differently than we’re told; they used what he was trying to say, and twisted it to facilitate the opposite of what he was hoping to accomplish; the ultimate disgrace. He was trying to warn people about psychological enslavement and manipulation; look how that turned out: his words and stories are used by others, who have been lead to believe they are doing his work(!), to psychologically enslave and manipulate countless people).
doublespeak, double-standards, cognitive dissonance, etc.
I agree with the first part of what SomeoneSomewhere said.
People think suicide is cowardly because society wants people to think that. Thatt’s false. Suicide is the action that requires the most amount of courage. Death is one of the worst fears because people don’t understand death and are afraid of what they don’t understand. Anyone who can bring death upon them self has true courage to face that great fear.
there is a song in my language which means: even soil has some value but not human. which is true. they are trying to measure our worth by material works we might have done; but is human life of no worth /in itself/? we don’t measure an insect’s life by how it may benefit us. humans are valued least (i.e. zero) on this planet.