Anyone ever get tired of helping everyone else and no one is around when you need help? It’s like HELLO! I’m here too. I have problems too. Even when people know you have depression issues, they still only talk to you when they have issues. That’s F**ked up. Excuse me, but it is. That’s how my friend killed herself. She helped everyone else, except herself. Are people that damn selfish. Oh help me. Help me, but don’t need me for anything? How’s about leave me the hell alone! If you can’t take the time to help me and listen to me rant, then buzz off. No wonder people kill themselves. They have to do SOMETHING for attention. If I blew a hole in my head, I bet you they will have wished they listened huh? They say suicides are selfish leaving their loved ones behind. What about the loved ones who didn’t know what they had until it was gone? How selfish is that?
Yes! You’re there for everyone, giving them advice that you won’t take yourself. People don’t get that they’re not the only ones suffering.
I help people expecting nothing in return. That’s the true meaning of giving selflessly. IF you want it 50/50 you’re going to actually have to tell them to their face. You can’t just pout and act all depressed and expect them to be a fucking mind reader.
Also, it’s extremely difficult to help someone who is depressed and suicidal. People don’t want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing. They think they’ll make it worse. Sometimes people are jerks and don’t help you because they don’t care, but most of the time people just don’t know what to do.