I learned today that NFL cheerleaders only earn about $70-90 per game, “elite” ones earn more. They only make $1000 to $2,500 per season, more if they make public appearances. That really surprised me. I guess it’s like being a cop or a firefighter or a teacher. You do it because you like it, not because you want to get rich.
Stupid post.
Not if your dream was to be a wealthy, professional cheerleader. I won’t earn enough to even survive.
I was making $42k (not US dollars) a year in the army and that was a lowly Private’s pay. After tax and R&Q was payed, I was left with just over $1k which isn’t bad for me. I get a fraction of that on the pension now. But I did it for the love, nobody should do a job/pursue a career unless they feel the love from it.
Of course, personal circumstances may dictate otherwise.