I’ve been wondering how long I’ve really missed the love and care from my family. None of my family cares anymore. I don’t know why, but I just miss the hugs and alone time with my mom and dad. I used to ride bikes with my father and play basketball all the time with. Now it’s nothing. I never really did anything with my mom, but I at least got to spend the night with her somewhere alone and not in need of a babysitter so she doesn’t just leave randomly for drugs. I remember what we used to do… I just don’t remember the last time they were. (I know the pictures are upside-down they won’t turn).
Dad’s seem to find it weird to hang out with their teenage daughters. They don’t know how to act around them now that they’re not a little kid anymore. Don’t take it personally. Maybe just try asking him if he wants to go do something, or, you could put on music that your parents like. This might make them want to chill with you. Maybe you can try talking to them like you would a friend – ask them how they’re doing. Even parents need somebody to talk to about their day. If you act like you care, then they will start to feel needed in your life and might make more of an effort. Parents often think “My kid is growing up, I don’t know what to say to him/her.”
I do everyday… I try playing his music so he’ll feel proud of me maybe? He’s never home anymore, and when he is, he’s asleep or getting blazed thinking I don’t know. I’ve suggested quad riding like we have before, or baseball because he likes baseball and has always wanted me to play softball as well… But he’s too busy either cheating on his girlfriend, legitimately at a meeting, or just gone. I don’t know anymore…
What about Krys?
What does Krys like to do?
Make a bet with your pop, tell him if you get all A’s on your next report card, then he gives you 300 bucks!! You get to have one B, though!
You can be anything in the world, you want to be. I wish I could help you!!!!!!!!!!! u know?!?!!??! ^_^ x
You can be a gunslinger. ‘Hopefully you will be with the good guys.’
You can be a ballet dancer, or just a dancer.
Become strong and flexible, contort your body in any how, way, shape, figure, image, that your mind can imagine. Body artist. Move, in any way your vibrational frequency want to, according to human limit capacity. ^_^
Being an artist would be most fascinating. Learning music would be cool!!!!!!!! I attempted one time, playing the electric guitar and piano…. it was fun…. the guitar I bought was defected, though, one of the chord wasn’t right, so that was the end of that. v_v
I was trying to play some Death Cab For Cutie, haha
Beatrix, that shows a lot of understanding. Bravo.
I have a 15 year old daughter… I don’t have much of a relationship with her. She lives with her mother and she has a wall up. I want to and try very hard to get through, but she won’t let me.
My heart is broken every day.