So after coming really close to a slightly dramatic exit from this horror of a life. I’ve made a couple of changes; I quit med school and I’m now about to begin a life of aimless wandering, parents stopped talking to me but it’s all good, they were never really there for me to start with. Started writing a new novel and I’m really interested in starting a new band. So if any of you lovely creatures out there can play the guitar and drums and are located in Europe, let me know. Lets beat this thing together with some good music and creativity. I’m writing this on a train to Berlin, not even sure what I’ll do when I get there but I’m not afraid anymore. I want to live, I want to make something of my life regardless of my lot in life. So if you’re out there and I know you are 😛 drop us a line. Cheers.
Very cool, you’re going for it.
Are you familiar with a TV show from the 70’s called Kung Fu? Its about this guy named Caine who was trained as a Shaolin monk, then fled China after murdering the Emperor’s nephew. He travels around the American old west having adventures. He’s a man of peace, but he’s also a master martial artist. The show is called Kung Fu, so he gets into a lot of fights (fighting for justice and whatnot).
Anyway, I like the idea of wandering. Being a nomad, searching for ….? Good luck.
I’m in awe! No way I’d have the courage to pack it up and see where life takes me at this point. I hope you’ll let us know about your adventures.
I’m a parent. We parents can be anal, but we most always adjust to our children’s life choices.
Just want to wish you well and send you this quote:
“What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.â€
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
“I’m not afraid anymore. I want to live, I want to make something of my life regardless of my lot in life.”
Very admirable. I’m not in Germany but I wish you the best on your journey.
I’m so happy for you that you’re creating a new life for yourself, and you’re finally beginning to live life to the fullest the way you want to. Best of luck with the novel and starting a band! I hope the rest of your new life is better than the one you recently threw away!
Wow, its great! i have been thinking of doing similar things with my life. this post gave me so much motivation.
Wow, that’s great for you!! I wish I had that courage to take control of my own life. I hope this path takes you to a good state of mind 🙂
Wow, thanks guys! I appreciate all your warm and kind words. I got to Berlin safe. Stayed in a slightly shifty hostel and went job hunting and what do you know, I got a job in a bar! The owner is so nice and felt really sorry for me after I told him a bit about myself, he’s actually letting me stay in the studio flat above it until I can pay. It’s not much but it feels like home, like it’s been waiting for me to find it. I’m really happy, I still have moments of doubt but then I think; shut up, you got a job AND a flat in one day, you’re doing fantastic. Tomorrow I’m off to go see about applying to uni. Flirting with the idea of getting a violin at the flea market but I’m still broke. Literally living on banana’s, apples and cheap wine 😀 but I don’t care I feel like I can do anything. Don’t know why it took me so long to take the reins and say a big F you to misery. If you’re out there and you’re living in fear and sadness, please don’t let it consume you. Leave it behind, run until your feet bleeds. The alternative is worse.
Are you female? I wish I had this option. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to go on-the-run in my country, especially at this time of year. I’m landlocked, too. (They won’t let me simply cross the border whilst traveling alone, unless I have clear-stated plans and return tickets.) Anyway, have fun! This is your chance for adventure.
Hi, yes. Just turned 20. Well I’m here on a schengen visa so I can move between some countries. I guess if you’re a minor that would be a bit tricky. Where are you from? You don’t have to leave the country. My decision was kind of a spur of the moment thing and also because I literally have nothing left for me back in Hungary.
Not a minor… I’m in Canada. I tried crossing the border already but I didn’t have a Visa and had no money or anything so they turned me away. I guess I’ll have to apply for some sort of Visa first. There’s nothing left for me here either. I don’t see any use in establishing a residence for myself in this country when I wouldn’t be ‘progressing.’ I won’t feel as if I am progressing unless I move somewhere new (which means a different country). My goal is primarily the U.S., but if that doesn’t work out I’ll try applying somewhere in Europe.
Well, I was under the impression Canadians don’t need a visa to get into the US guess I’m mistaken. Maybe try getting a job and building up your bank statement if that’s possible… And yeah it’d probably be a lot easier for you to go to Europe cause I’m pretty sure you can stay for a while even without a visa. Do some research, there must be something you can do.
You can only stay there for a certain amount of days without a Visa. If I wanted to move there I would definitely need one. I imagine it’s a similar system in Europe, I’m not sure. I sort of have a job but I haven’t been going very far with that… Oh well. Maybe something will work out in my favour eventually. I hope everything works out for you, too.
I’m sure you’ll figure something out. Goodluck 🙂