I was depressed at the time, cutting myself and whatnot. But accidentally I cut my wrist where my veins are. You can DIE from that.
But I survived. And you know why? Because my life line was long. You can find that on your hand, it’s the third line. I’m not sure how old I’ll live up to, though. Well it was srill bleeding a little. And it hurt, BAD. You shouldn’t try it It was really painful. I know this MIGHT get boring. but I’m doing my best.
That’s when it started. My therapy. My mom just thought I was TOO crazy. And you know what? I agreed with her. Yep. I AGREED WITH HER. Sounds weird right?
I’m glad you survived… and I’m glad you’re going to therapy. I’ve been to therapy and it can help.
Keep going to therapy, I’ve been going for five years now and I feel better