It’s funny how the people that were so called their for u but at the end your by your self ur probably so hurt that u don’t even know wat to do either to kill yourself or overcome your self and I find it really hurtful wen u know u been thur so much yet no body could see that they just think u thank happy girl or boy but once u let one person in and u tell them ur reall life and they go n tell people ur stuff and then seconds ur called a slut or fag or nothing but no body will notice the struggle u go thur until u kill your self and they notice like damm that person went thur so much and yet they bullied her or him but just think of this that person u bullied their probably about to end their life because u called then a slut or fag or stupid even herpe person or nasty that person is probably gets called those names every night n day home school street u never know n once that person dies just think this their mom or dad or brother n sister r probably I depresses because you killed their sis or bro because and now alll of. Sudden ppl care but where were they wen u  Pulled that suicide.?
Maybe they still dont care when we r gone. 🙁
Yeah, don’t kill yourself because idiots call you names. They might feel regret for a moment, but then they’ll go on with their lives. Keep your head up high, don’t let losers bother you, and they’ll see who’s the winner in the end.
Your tormentors won’t remember you when you’re gone. The only people who will remember you will be your close friends and family, but they’ll distance themselves from your memory because it will pain them. Sticks and stones, friend.