From such a young age I have experienced so much pain. Age of 8 the most dear person in the world passed away, my granddad, the only person in the world who loved me more than my parents. Age 10 turned to smoking as a pain reliever and have been addicted ever since. Age 11 got moved half way around the world to a place I had no knowledge of, came back to UK a year later for holiday only to find out my dad has another wife and a child with her who was 4 years of age at the time, having committed bigamy. Age 13 turned to drinking, drugs, not coming home, sleeping on the streets, cutting and overdosing. Dad didn’t care about my mum, me or my sisters because all he wanted was  his precious SON which to an extent was no where near my mothers fault that she did not bear him a son. Age 14 got abused by my father, kicked and beaten. Age 16 my dad decided to have another child with his other wife and tell us the day the child was born despite it having been 9 months, broke my family apart. Also started scamming and trying harder drugs. Age 17/18 turned my life around doing A-levels stopped drinking and drugs and try to control suicidal thoughts. All I can hope for now is for life to get better, life is what we make it and I know for a fact that my mother deserves the best from her 4 lovely daughters, there are a few things that a daughter can provide which a son can’t. Only reason I stay strong is for my mother as for a fact I know the reward will be there at the end.
Another product of a broken home/family and a terrible father. You’ve had a messed up childhood and teenage years, no doubt. But who knows, maybe you’re getting close to the point where things turn around in your life. There are good reasons to believe that might be the case.
It sounds like you are already actively trying to make that happen too, rather than just giving up, or waiting. That’s good…. Like you said, all you can hope for is for life to get better. We just have to try and force ourselves to stick around and find out if it will, and do anything we can to help it along.
You definitely have some fight left in you, and that’s more than can be said for some people on this site.
Life can change in any minute, you never know what might be out there, the reward is always there at the end.
Awesome dude, keep up the work!
Thank you 🙂