It’s like I want to die but when I do something that puts my life in jeopardy I panic . its like in that moment when I have the chance to die I feel like I can’t do thi. And I think of every possible reason there is to live. Then something happens to me and I wish I did it and there is so much pain and I am angry. Why cant I do it?
You can do it, put your back into it
’cause if not, you’ll be deep in the shit
Mummy-Daddy gonna whup yo’ ass
I’ll pray for you the next time I’m at Mass
that was funny. way to kill the suicidal mood.
Because you are obviously not meant to die. You are valuable in this world, bad things happen to good people, but without the bad times how can we really appreciate the good? I hope that one day you can find meaning and learn to love yourself like I have. The world is an ugly place, but you make it better. Good things come to those who wait. If you need someone to talk to feel free to email me, my user ID is my email.
The hardest part of suicide is fighting your instinct to stay alive. Hell, if not for that instinct, a lot of the people on this site, wouldn’t be here.
That being said, do you mind explaining why you wish for death? I’m just curious about the details. Even if it’s as simple as you lost your favorite toy and can’t live without it, I’m interested in why you want to die.
If you can still think of reasons to live, then you still have them… it’s been a common saying around here that if your reasons to live > reasons to die, it’s perfectly normal not to go through with it, and the value you give to those reasons is only up to you.
@Shepard: “I’ll pray for you the next time I’m at Mass” … Effect? hahaha
I am the same way and it is easy to explain why that happens. One thing is when our life is in jeopardy its as if a red emergency light is going off, alarms blaring “severe pain imminent”. If I try stepping in front of a car I might not be able to make that last step, not because I don’t want to die, but because I know I’m about to experience possible horrendous pain. Also we are horrified of going into the unknown.