It’s funny how people who claim to have had past lives were usually something glamorous like a monarch or a saint. You rarely hear people saying that they were a crack whore or a depressed garbageman in a prior incarnation.
It’s funny how people who claim to have had past lives were usually something glamorous like a monarch or a saint. You rarely hear people saying that they were a crack whore or a depressed garbageman in a prior incarnation.
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no such thing as “coming back”.
Once gone, we are gone from this earth, and for good.
Sure, ok. I guess you know what happens after death because….wait a minute. How do you know what happens after we die?
what i do know is that these so called “reincarnations” are just familiar spirits/aka devils who will “inspire” someone with another consciousness
Knowledge; awareness of facts or truths.
Opinion; a strongly held conviction that may or may not be true.
Presenting an opinion as fact does not make it true. “You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still gonna be a pig”.
the real person is not back here,
How are we sure that we really do reincarnate into humans again, and our past lives were lived as human beings.
As long as you were an animate object you could have been a plant, a carrot, bacteria, snail or T-Rex?
What’s so special about this though? You don’t hear people talking about how their relatives are crack whores either because there are few reasons to bring stuff like this up.
It’s just funny to me how people often think they were important in a past life while their current incarnation is forgettable.
LMFAO Thank you for this,you made my day
fuckin normies
Normies. Isn’t that what people in AA call non-alcoholics? Jesus loves you. Everyone else on the planet hates your guts but Jesus still loves you.