Hello everyone. I am back and have noticed a vamped up view of the site. It’s so nice and new and different.
Who else felt like jumping off the bridge today?
Is clevername still around?
Hello everyone. I am back and have noticed a vamped up view of the site. It’s so nice and new and different.
Who else felt like jumping off the bridge today?
Is clevername still around?
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Yeah they updated it today, I dont really like it all that much.
And yes clever is still around, he posted last night.
The day started off with a good deal of wanting to bash my face through a brick wall, but it’s ended on a positively high note by some strange course of events. So I can’t complain too much right now.
Nah, it’s been a good day so far, wish you the same
Yeah i’m around… sort of… less… trying not to be.
I’ve never been good with heights… but i’ve certainly been craving the end of perception/sensation/awareness/consciousness.
Been feeling ill and haven’t eaten in almost 48 hours… i think a “normal” person would have expelled the remaining contents of their stomach by now, but i don’t vomit easily. It’s not so much nausea as a bizarre feeling of toxicity. It’s most likely that i unknowingly crossed paths with a cross-contaminated shared contact point (e.g. door knobs, fridge handles). A person who lives here (noticed i didn’t say “my roommate” or “someone i live with”) projectile vomited ALL OVER EVERYTHING, had debris and remnants scattered/spread across most of the house… and still hasn’t bothered to finish cleaning up after himself, days later. I’m about to fucking snap. I should not have to tell an adult to clean up their own vomit shrapnel. It’s beyond infuriating; especially because now *I’M* sick. I’m nearly OCD about cross-contamination (i’ve worked in food service, i know it’s important). I can’t stand the way this mofo leaves “mess” literally everywhere… shit like disregarded rogue mayo globs left on the otherwise pristine counter top, which become nearly invisible (or at least tend to blend in, visually) after they’ve sat there long enough, so that other people go in the kitchen and sit things down on the counter, not realizing they’re contacting potentially dangerous filth (e.g. BOTULISM), and then proceeding to further cross-contaminate every other surface they contact, unknowingly spreading rotting mayo globs all over the house, and ALL handles.
Anyway… Sick. Disgusted. Bitter. Resentful.
I need to be away from these people… but i have no way to support myself, which means i’d end up stuck with other disgusting people, so there’s no use making an effort to achieve an alternate version of the same result.
@clevername: The Center for Disease Contraction (CDC) recommends sucking on doorknobs at least once a day. They even released a video walkthrough about how to do it properly, which you can find on youtube by searching for “center for disease contraction.” Should be first result.