I can’t stop cutting myself. I honestly am sitting on my bed with a knife in my hand cutting away at myself like it’s nothing, but I’m used to it. And I’m so sorry, but I have to admit, I like the way it feels. I love the way I feel the shearing pain of blade against skin as the voices that overtake me slowly fade into a whispering echo in the back of my mind. I feel the stickiness of the blood. I can’t stop. I don’t know why I try. No one can help me and I know that. Don’t tell me it gets better, because that’s crap. It doesn’t. Just tell me the truth. Please. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore…
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I tried cutting 2 weeks ago as a suicide method, I did it in a hot bath and cutted only random apparent veins in my entire body, but id did not worked.
My next plan is buying a helium tank, and if fail again, I will cut directly my femoral artery, death is sure !
I’m not telling you what to do to kill yourself, It’s more about sharing experienes.