And this will most likely be my chosen method…. as I have what I need to do it.
And this will most likely be my chosen method…. as I have what I need to do it.
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but in all seriousness, you’re cool 8-), don’t do ittt :O
Wish I could join you
whoever posted that comment as peter griffin… LOL, that’s funny.
I would really like to go on a hunger strike. I tried before, but they interrupted me. Now that there is nobody in my life it should be easy. Do hunger strikes have to be public or is it possible to go on a hunger strike at home? I once asked the local council, but they didn’t bother to answer, probably thinking I am just a nutcase. 🙁
Well going along with M’s info…you could always go for the nutcase thing…declare a hunger strike against like…a pet.
@Peelasquid: Read carefully about it first. If you screw up… god.
@lonelyplatypus: “A hunger strike is a method of non-violent resistance or pressure in which participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others, usually with the objective to achieve a specific goal, such as a policy change. Most hunger strikers will take liquids but not solid food” (taken from wikipedia). So my guess is that it has to be at least informed to the people you want to target in order to achieve that change.
Thanks, M. And who should inform them?
No idea, lol. Just making an educated guess, since if you just make a hunger strike without telling anyone this is bound to happen before you achieve your goal
h t t p s:// c2.s
Maybe a certified letter? a phone call? maybe you could form an army of platypuses and turn them into your minions to make your bidding? so many choices.
The people I want to punish won’t talk to me… and there is nobody else in my life… that’s why I had contacted the council. Maybe I could try a reporter, but I don’t want too much publicity….
Then again, I don’t even know if punish is the right word, as they would probably be happy to see me suffer.