like, really? i’m being totally serious. i keep hearing stories about people taking pills and ending up in the hospital and all of that – but… what if the person isn’t found? i mean.. if somebody was to take an entire bottle, of say tylenol for example, in a secluded area with nobody to rescue them. would they not eventually die after being passed out for a while? assuming they passed out before vomiting? or something? i just really really don’t want to fuck this up 🙁
Don’t be foolish.. Tylenol won’t kill you. But it will fuck up your life permanently so don’t do it. You’ll be sorry
well that was just an example, i have done zero research on a pill that could actually be fatal. i’m also sorry – the first post i read made it seem like this was a place to encourage the death… but it’s only kind of that? mostly not though? anyway, a few tips would be great. i can’t afford much but i’m open to pain, i mean whats a little more pain in comparison to a lifetime of the stuff, right?
This is a place where it is considered acceptable and safe to share your story, and discuss various factors related to why you feel whatever way you do (assuming it’s somehow related to suicide). I don’t think the latter was intended, but it just kinda worked out that way, and seems like a good thing. In the past, lots of method details were discussed at length, which is not the intended purpose of the site.
Ultimately, it’s supposed to help people who feel suicidal, somehow, in whatever way that may occur, whether by merely allowing them a place to “share,” or by encountering other members who might have helpful advice, and in a way that isn’t met with the types of hassles and condescension it would be, were the topic raised in person among people who are afraid to even discuss such things.
Ideally, we all hope that everyone can make enough repairs to their own lives that they will go on living not-miserably for as much longer as possible… but that doesn’t always happen, because some things can’t be fixed, and some people have already been through too much, and are determined to exit… or perhaps simply decide it’s time to go, someday. Even those people should find some respite here… but we try not to facilitate their exit, at least not overtly.
At least, that’s kinda how i see it.
“if somebody was to take an entire bottle, of say tylenol for example, in a secluded area with nobody to rescue them. would they not eventually die after being passed out for a while?”
In a word: yes. But not tylenol, that’ll just screw up your kidneys and leave you with a lifetime of pain. Generically speaking, those who attempt suicide in remote locations have a much higher chance of dying. Google “Aokigahara” (Japan’s suicide forest). As of 2011 statistics, there’s an average of 100 successful suicides each year, mostly due to hanging or overdoses.
Also I remember a news story a few months ago about a girl who took a relatively small amount of [some over-the-counter drug, I can’t remember and wouldn’t say even if I did]. It didn’t kill her, but she passed out in a stream and froze to death.
An the flip side, some people have very strong bodies and can survive almost any overdose. Remember, no matter how bad it seems, a failed suicide attempt is WORSE. How bout you find a forest by yourself and have a peanut butter sandwich and feed some birds instead. I’m serious, I wish I had a forest near me but there’s nothing but dirty streets, toxic factories and ugly buildings.