Has anyone ever heard of going out by power line? They are low voltage ones but also low hanging and remote enough. Over the past 5 days I have gone down the list. Nothing has been successful obviously.
Has anyone ever heard of going out by power line? They are low voltage ones but also low hanging and remote enough. Over the past 5 days I have gone down the list. Nothing has been successful obviously.
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I’ve tried everything… A gun would be the best..
You’ve tried touching live lines??
Power lines! Damn, that’s very creative. Have to give that some thought. I see birds sitting on them and I’ve seen the birds fly off, so…hmmm…
I was checking that too. They never make a ground because they have both feet on the line. Squirrels and such are same. But I was out in these woods all day trying to be friendly with this branch….not enough cajones to finish. Darn the body’s demand to cling to life despite the brain’s opposite desire.
Right. Well, hang in there!! (little joke)
Low voltage won’t kill you! I was hit with high voltage one time and it sent me halfway through a wall.. It fucking hurt…
….just saying
so it wouldn’t work to go mess with the low lines on a pole that are sagging under lots of trees?
My username isn’t “Google”, my friend.
….just saying
Forget the power lines, just jump under a train….no chance to survive whatsoever..
no fast moving trains around here. Plus high chicken out factor. dmmit
Good for you then, I suppose. Are you sure about the suicide? Any reason to live at all?
That’s how I’ll go..
That’s how the director of Sugarman went. He was only 36. Jumped in front of a train in Sweden. I don’t think I’d want to involve other people or inconvenience them as they go about their day.
That’s the ill point in that; the aftermath..
Is it really 100% safe anyway? I often wondered myself. The train could stop just in time to have your leg(s) amputated and then your life will be even more miserable.
There are inconveniences for others also if you jump from a bridge. Not too long ago someone told me he spent several hours in the traffic due to someone who had jumped from a bridge, so they stopped everything, the police had to come etc. etc.
I guess it’s all about jumping in front of the train just before it passes with full speed and not lie there waiting, at least when the sun is up. Maybe in dark you can set up yourself in lying position..
It it hits you with full speed you are nothing but pieces of meat after that..
TormentedSoul, have you seen the movie The Bridge; tells about the suicides committed in San Fransisco’s Golden gate bridge. Chilling tales of desperation, horrifying to see when the people actually jump off the bridge. It was filmed with real live cameras and all the jumps and people were real, no fiction whatsoever…creepy if you really think about it.
Yes, it must be creepy when you know it is reality… I was there on holiday and I remember there was a phone I think connected to some suicide-prevention site.
The phone is certainly there for a reason I can assure you according to that film, there are jumpers at the bridge all the time.. so sad..:(
I wonder if you die instantly after hitting the water or will the most people drown. In the movie there was one survivor which had jumped and of course had broken many bones, but after a while in the water felt something around his feet. He thought there were sharks of course with his luck…but it was a seal which kept the man afloat enough for the rescue boats to come and save him. Amazing story…
Very interesting story. This could happen to me. LOL Something always happens so that I don’t die. Once I forgot I was cooking because I was concentrating on something in another room and when I went to the kitchen the flames from the stove were dancing around flammable items like curtains and boxes without touching them. Not to mention my suicide attempts. I start to think that some force wants me here to suffer… 🙁
I googled the phone and it is called “Emergency Phone and Crisis Counseling”. “There is Hope. Make a Call. The consequences of jumping from this bridge are fatal and tragic.” I cannot post a link because posts with links end up in the moderation queue.
never quite connected to the power lines
where the fuck are we?i tink all went and touched some power lines:-)
I went back and checked it out. Not doable.
I don’t think so. When i was little i touched one for a while and nothing.
If you have an old car and garage start the engine leave it running until you sleep:-)careful pleas dont do this if you live with others becose they wil find out
Hey, you know what’s a good way to kill yourself?
Overdosing on birth control pills! Yeah!
Birth control pills prevent babies from being born, so if you swallow enough of them they should kill you.
In the unlikely event that that doesn’t work, try overdosing on Fred Flintstone chewable vitamins. I’ve heard they’re deadlier than Tic-Tacs!
pleas dont traumatize anyone by running in front of a train.if you dont die,ooo shit
Hahaha, C4 i think Altoids would work pretty well too.
Dude, I’m so hardcore, I might intravenously inject mouthwash into my veins.
inject chocolate into my veins:-)
If a vampire sucks my blood I’ll be minty fresh.
get blasted out of a cannon:-)
jump into a tigers cage. 🙂
Or i could quickly squeeze a whole bottle of toothpaste down my throught to prevent me from breathing.
Tiger cage; some have done it, remember reading from the papers – takes some serious balls.. 🙂
Getting eaten by an animal seems pretty thoughtful. At least the animal gets a meal out of the deal. Shark, bear, tiger, whatever. You get recycled and come out as a bowel movement.
See? Suicide doesn’t have to be selfish. Be the main course for an animal. It’s a win-win.
Yupps,feed those hungry animals whit your life’ ,if you cant donate your life its the next best thing.you wil need much courage to get in the cage,and 2. its a painful way to die.
ooooiii that hurts!
*slap tiger*
o no, i shouldnt have got in here,
i dont ever want to die this way 😉
I once read about a guy who was obsessed with wild animals. He kept them all in cages near his house. His wife left him and he quit his job. One night he unlocked all their cages and made a trail of meat. He lyed at the end of the trail so his animals could eat him.
ooo that is scary but creative
he missed his wife that much!
:-)pleas dont slap tigers
:-)Eat a tube of super glue