Man I hope I get better n if I need surgery to for my spine n the pain will stop hopefully stupid muscle spasms it hate myself it’s very difficult for me not to worry about the future of my well being it scares me cause I want to get better so badly I’m hurting constantly every day it’s something else on me one day it’s my neck another could be my shoulders or any other part of me that feels wrong n out of place I can’t sleep at times n when I do I don’t want to get up because of how pain my body is in I feel like giving so easily n take the easy way out
suicide is not the ‘easy way’ out. We were not asked to be born. I am sorry that you are in pain. I hope surgery can take some of the pain away
I do too but the pain at times is just too much to handle I’m such a disgrace n hopeless feeling overcome me in agony