I don’t like to complain and when I do I feel horribly guilty. I have had Depression/Anxiety since I was a child. Growing up I was sexually abused twice and grew up in a unstable home. I have a learning disability and life is difficult most times. This year I finally got help ( after a breakdown) and am on lexapro. Most days the medicine works but some days I’m sad and my anxiety is still bad. I feel like a burden to my family and to society. I’m going to college in two weeks, im scared and excited but what if i fail? let myself down? I’m good at doing that. I always dream of vanishing. I want to go away and never be found. I think about it everyday and though i have never tried to kill myself I think about it to often, especially lately. Any advise?
My brother is going to college too. He says just the thought of all the fun and new friends that awaits makes him happy. Just “keep on keeping on”. The best part of college is that you’ll meet new people who can understand and help you. When you feel like panicking just go somewhere alone and think of good things to help yourself relax. When I have panic attacks I go somewhere alone and sing my favourite song quietly to myself. Don’t feel guilty because if you bottled it all up then you’d feel horrible. Just imagine all the great things you could do as your motivation. Shed your past by dreaming of the future.
Hey there isn’t any reason to feel guilty you aren’t doing anything wrong.
Sorry to hear about the abuse, disability, and breakdown…though that last one seems to of helped a little? Anyways you aren’t a burden and you shouldn’t let yourself think so. Congrats on going to college but again you shouldn’t try to put yourself down..im sure youll do just fine.
Yay if this helps..sorry if it doesn’t….Still if you ever need to complain then come here to us :3 And don’t feel guilty D:
my advice is go for it, you think you will fail which will make you fail, try to motivate yourself and think i will succeed and these thoughts will not win and i am stronger than them.
I’m not sure where you are, but make sure accommodations are made for your “disabilities” (quotes because they aren’t necessarily a disadvantage) so that you have a level playing field.
You can overcome these things. Make your mind up about that now. Yes, they suck…but the past can’t be undone. It CAN be outlived.
Never give up unless its YOUR choice.
I’ve also dealt with Anxiety and Depression since childhood. Like someone(s) said above, you’re probably going to meet some cool new people in college and there should be counselling services hopefully available to you as well, in case you need them. In fact, whatever resources they have that you feel you might need, go ahead and use them. Whatever friends or family members you have that you think might understand when you need to vent, would cheer you on, or who are willing to lend a sympathetic ear, go to them. The academic load may be on *you* but you have the right to use whatever resources are available to disperse any distress associated with it (or with social situations as they case may be).