Does any else have trouble sleeping? With amy problems or conditions that prevent you from being able to sleep or get any sleep at all?
Does any else have trouble sleeping? With amy problems or conditions that prevent you from being able to sleep or get any sleep at all?
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Been battling with the voice of a dead friend the past three weeks. Kept me awake most nights or seeped into my dreams. I think she’s leaving me alone for now, with the help of some knockout painkillers of course.
Well I’m sorry was she a good friend of yours n I’m not trying to be rude or anything but how did she pass if I may ask..
I don’t have any diagnose able problems, at least I think I don’t, but I have had trouble sleeping for the past few months. Like right now, I need to be sleeping, but I just can’t, until I need to be awake.
I haven’t been able to sleep without the help of pills for about 6 years now. Not really sure why, but if I try I wake up after about 15-30 minutes having a massive panic attack. Of course sleeping pills don’t help every night, but it’s better than nothing.
Yeah whatever helps u to get sleep n I can’t sleep because I’m either stressing out to much n horrifying if I’m going to be all right in the end
My sleep is totally wacked. Nothing puts me to sleep. I can only sleep when I’m actually tired & sometimes I don’t sleep at all. It sux cos at least I’d get a break from my thoughts.
Oh well I know how u feel except I try to sleep at times but my muscles hurt n so my whole body just doesn’t allow me to sleep at times
I’m completely different to everyone here. I sleep, without medication even, but it’s just not satisfying you know? I can sleep for 4 hours or 10 and everywhere in between and still wake up feeling like I ran a marathon.
I wish I could sleep for that long maybe after I get my surgery done
Quality not quantity bro
Thats pretty much how I feel too Rey.
I’ve been nocturnal for the past couple of weeks. Especially if I’m close to losing my temper or I feel more like shit than usual, I just go to sleep.
Oh well I just wish at times I could easily fall asleep n never wake up
I’ve been nocturnal for the past couple of weeks. Especially if I’m close to losing my temper or I feel more like shit than usual, I just go to sleep.
I haven’t slept well for 3 years now.
It’s slowly taking it’s toll. Breaking me down piece by piece.
Is there a reason you’re having trouble?
i don’t sleep too at all ,,, and i hate my bed ,, and i hate to close my eyes i feel afraid
Why do u feel afraid to? I have trouble sleeping because it’s hard for me to relax with my back pain n spine being curved it takes a n so I can barely get any sleep at times my muscles are always so tensed n stiff stupid muscle spasms I have ugh go away I hope I can get surgery n problems will just disappear but it’s not that simple is it