Is it just me or are some people on here so strung out on crap that you can’t make sense of what they are saying?
Is it just me or are some people on here so strung out on crap that you can’t make sense of what they are saying?
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Ha! Probably true for a lot of us, actually.
At first I thought maybe it was a language barrier thing…and I know this damn thing changes words and sometimes I don’t catch them either. But there are some replies that I can’t even tell what they are about.
I thought I was the only one who noticed it; I didn’t wanna say anything but, yeah… Yeah I have noticed… HA.
I saw a couple posts today that made me wonder if the authors might be schizoaffective. There’s a pretty strong correlation between suicide and mental illness, so it’s not really surprising that among the “rational” (for lack of a better term) suicidal people, we’re also likely to encounter people struggling with delusions and breakthrough symptoms of psychosis.
I don’t understand some posts and some comments either.
I’ve definitely noticed it also. Lots of comments that are just garbled messes and completely illegible, so to speak.
I don’t understand some posts or comments either but I always assumed it was because my higher functioning is nil lately… Maybe I’m not as much of a moron as I thought
I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant…
Seriously though, I think many of us come here because it is usually a safe place to express thoughts and feelings that even our closest friends and loved ones patently reject. We come here because we are tired of being told “You don’t make any fucking sense” or “you’re crazy for wanting to die” or worse, they stage some sort of phony and useless “intervention” to protect themselves from having to deal with our reality. And above all, the one thing I rarely find anyone saying here is the dreaded arrogant observation of “you don’t have to feel that way.”
We come here because when we knock on the door, someone answers and is willing to listen – no mater how hard it might be. It is what it is; maybe it doesn’t have to make sense.
Thank you Nozmoking, your words were exactly the words I wish I could have said in response to this post. I commend you and your understandings mate, your the only one here who makes any sense because I really lack any understanding in hate and arrogance.
To Overit20 and the people in the comment section below, have you ever thought of the many factors that may influence someone’s communication skills? You know this website is accessible to everyone in the world right? Meaning there are people who come from many different walks of life and are impacted by different variables including language barriers, culture barriers, education levels, possible disabilities, backgrounds etc? Right? Oh no, let’s not make any effort to find clarification in what someone has said, instead let’s just sit back and make assumptions of people we don’t fucking know and throw a few “HA’s!” here and there so we can make people feel less that what they are already feeling. Yup, because they already feel like shit, so let’s just rub some more salt in their wounds because they can’t fucking speak English correctly.
What a fucking shame.
Whoa. That certainly wasn’t what I meant when I said there were some comments and posts I can’t understand.
Sometimes I read something on here and i really want to respond to try to make them not feel so alone but I’m not entirely sure what they are saying. I can see the sadness but often the words are confusing to me. I never said it was their fault either. Its likely me not being smart enough to figure it out.
If I offended anyone I apologize. 🙁
That wasn’t what was meant by the original poster or by anyone in the comments. What he was saying is that sometimes you’re trying to help somebody and it becomes increasingly difficult because their posts are jumbled. Not in the typical “English isn’t my first language” way. And it’s interesting that there is a higher percentage of people with jumbled posts on this forum than on other forums. It’s just a frustrating and interesting occurrence that’s probably down to mental illness or drugs or whatever else– doesn’t even matter. It’s just an interesting point.
“That wasn’t what was meant by the original poster or by anyone in the comments.”
Thanks for that, Sparkle Dolls.
I can see how people might misinterpret those comments as critical, but I don’t think they were intended to be anything beyond an observation. I suppose it’s to be expected, on a website where most of us are clinically depressed, that from time to time we’ll be apt to read negativity into things when it’s not really there.
@theWhispersofMySins My thoughts exactly. When I am suicidal, my higher processing is gone so there are posts I want to respond to but can’t because I don’t understand them. No one is at fault. But its hard to provide supportive words when you don’t know what the person is saying. The reality is that there are posts that are very confusing. It cones with the territory. I don’t think the comments in this thread were hateful.
Thanks Still Lost. 🙂 that made me feel a bit better
Yeah I’ve noticed that also in myself, that when I’m functioning on a more depressive spectrum, it’s like certain parts of my brain just aren’t on properly and I can’t even read a short sentence without it looking all wrong.
All in all, it’s just such an interesting observation. Wasn’t in any way meant to be hurtful.
Indeed. You wish you had the right words to respond back to this person. You just wish you understand what exactly was said in their post. I’ve noticed that as well since I’ve been here.
Ive often felt that way. Ive wanted to empathise and understand and comfort but I cant understand or just cant find the words. It frustrates me because I knew I once could. I used to be a talented senior engineer with a way with words and people, but since my last breakdown a year ago its like i got brain damage, my mind is slow and foggy, I cant think properly at all…
I didn’t mean to offend anyone. And I wasn’t laughing at anyone either. We are all on here because we feel pain. Lots of people deal with pain with drugs or alcohol which can make your thoughts come out in a distorted jumble of words. I feel bad when I can’t even tell what it is their post is about.