KK so im a shit person because i find it so stressful to make friends and when im in the process of becoming friendly with someone all i want to do is cut cut cut cut CUT so they can see and then they can’t reject me lol.
how fucked is that.
i fucking hate myself for even thinking like that
i can’t even make friends. lucky you.
I went through a period of cutting but it was because of how life n ppl treated me, not keep someone. The physical pain helped the emotional pain. I did tell some people though…I have pics of what I did but I never show them…I look at them as a reminder of what I’ve been put through, so unnecessarily and cruelly put through.
fairmount I’m not gonna lie that is a pretty fucked way to try and keep friends, but something I’m also sure of is that you’re a decent enough person to gain and keep friends without having to go to such odd methods, trying to avoid rejection by hurting yourself will likely end in both you and the other person getting hurt emotionally, if someones taking the time to hang with you it probably means that they think you’re alright and will wanna get to know you better over time, trying rush things will only lead to more pain so take it slow enjoy the time you spend with them and it will all be alright.