I don’t have an NDE (near death experience) story to share. But I’m wondering if anyone has one to share. Did you survive a suicide attempt, and have an NDE? Tell me about it. I’d like to hear your story. Bright lights, did you go to heaven, or hell???? Tell me about your NDE!
not a NDE but: I’ve blacked out twice for no reason, and when regaining conciousness i would always think i had been elsewhere for months, yet the black out was like 30 secs long each time. I seem to remember each time it would be like hitting pause from the game (this) and i would be chilling on beach somewhere with absolutely no idea, cant remember really any of it after the intiatal 10 secs of waking. I imaging dying is an amazing experience where you suddenly remember everything! try shrooms they are fun 😉
@bennett,Sounds like you slipped away to another plane of existence,where time was different..like in Contact…nothing happened atall here on earth when she piloted the machine they built-they watched her start it and nothing…she, on the other hand had this whole major experience in a completely different world,or dimension,in the instant it took to activate the machine. I too,imagine dying to be extremely awesome..ive thought a lot of how its been described by that neurosurgeon who died, in his book Proof of Heaven. It rings very true with me-feels right,I guess. None of that biblical streets of gold shite. Those are all made up by people who valued gold,obviously-so ridiculous..@tabletop, one of mine was after childbirth-my daughter,my firstborn. I hemmoraged immediately after.It was surreal.I saw blood cover the floor.(Think: The Shining when th elevator doors open to a tidal wave of blood rushes out) I was floating,it seemed,but not above myself, not looking at myself..sortof felt extremely high,I guess.Hmmmmm-i may ,in fact, HAVE been very very high at that time.Nm:)
I advise you to read Proof of Heaven .Dude was an agnostic and a brain surgeon-his experience isnt all heaven vs hell oriented.Not even christianity oriented. This is one good reason why I feel it is true, but theres more-lots more.Its fascinating and beautiful.The first thing communicated to him was –There is nothing to fear here.You cannot do ANYTHING wrong here.There is only love here.–!or something rad like that,I forget,but its just like that. Extremely cool
I’ll look up that proof of heaven, it sounds probably bang on what I think. Yeah the black out was very much like the contact meeting thing except mine seemed to be much longer.
The first time it happened I’d just parked my car with my two friends sat beside me and behind me. As soon as I turned off the ignition and pulled the hand brake I just went and my head fell forwards resting on the steering wheel. When I came round I was scared shitless of how I got to be back in the car with them two there as I couldn’t remember how I’d left it before blacking out.
To die simply means to leave the body, and you are not the body.
I blackd out for a good pieriod of time after a suicide attempt involving carbon monxide
I was backed out for a while and I thought I was dead. but I woke up a wile later
but did not have any afterlife experience. It was just blackness for a while
I don’t know if it was near death or not, but I’ve tried to commit suicide twice. For me it was much like what uptown234 said…it was just oblivion until I was rudely thrust back into consciousness.
Not sure if I really believe in a afterlife, but that might also impact any NDE that a person has since they have certain expectations.
Ever heard of DMT? I’ve never done it, but it’s the strongest hallucinogen known to man and it’s also stored in the pineal gland inside the brain and is released at night during dreams. It’s also found naturally in a startling amount of life on Earth, everything from plants to just about any kind of animal you can think of. Aside from playing a role in dream function, DMT is also emitted in large doses during near death experiences, often accompanied by the usual characteristics of “bright lights, warm beings, a lifting or floating feeling” that are associated with heaven or an afterlife. Anyway, this stuff, DMT, can also be smoked or injected and causing the user to black out for 15-30 minutes and have some extreme out of body experiences. The best way I’ve heard it described is basically imagine stumbling across god’s liquor cabinet, just opening that door leads you into this colossal, wonderous world of “Oh, fuck. What is this? I have no idea what’s going on but I can feel that it’s important” and 20 some minutes later, you’re back on Earth.. but in the span of that half an hour trip, time loses all meaning. Language doesn’t exist, and physical properties are replaced with complex mathematical equations. My late night ramblings don’t do it justice, there’s a cool documentary out there (used to be on netflix, don’t think it is anymore) about it called DMT: the Spirit Molecule
Ayahuasca is just as strong, well it’s the only way to take DMT orally, and it lasts for 6 hours.
If you want to know what DMT is like just go and watch DMT fractals videos on youtube.
DMT will change your life, everybody should smoke DMT and drink Ayahuasca.