I’m bored and need friends. Chatting in person is pretty nice. So I’m wondering who here is from Reno or within reasonable distance. Maybe we can get a support group going here or just have coffee and try to feel “normal” for a little while.
Unfortunately I am in Silicon Gulch in CA but i used to get together with a few “misguided souls” in SF years back once a month or so and it really did help. We all first met through personal posts on Craigslist and even though that’s a bit risky what did we have to lose?
I think it’s a great idea.
– peace
Nice. I met my last 2 roommates on CL, and my newest local “girlfriend” and potential business partner, also. We gonna go into the cam modeling biz together, hahaha.
Craig’s List can be risky, but if you exercise common sense you’re generally safe.