I just turned 50 and have been married for 6 years on my second marriage. I lost my job due to a downturn in my industry 18 months ago and have been doing low paid work just to make ends meet since then. Basically my wage has been reduced by 75% and we are finding it hard to make ends meet. My wife married me when I was doing ok and now she has to work even harder herself and I cant give her any nice things or holidays like we used to. I don’t know when or if I will ever get back into my career due to my age and I am feeling low about that. My once good life is gone. I also have low sex drive and am now basically impotent with my wife and she is hating that and it drives her crazy. I recently also found out that my only child is Gay and so no grand kids for me or walking her down the aisle. I cant even get a win there, everything I touch turns to crap. No money and little hope and no pleasure. I have good life Insurance so maybe the best thing is to take myself out. That will help my wife and she can move on with her life with get someone better. Soo tired of the struggle.
Your gay daughter can still have a child.. and you can still be a grandfather. You may never know the father but interestingly enough your granddaughter would have two loving mothers. Besides things change, she can easily fall in love with a man later down the road..
And for the man of the hour, you. Does your car ever break down? Or perform badly? When that happens it needs a tune up, maintenence, tlc right?.. cause it’s not brand new anymore. You gotta research the healthy libido foods and bevarages to fill up your old vessel and get it going again. Exercise is huge.. just a simple jog or walk around the park daily. Do some research on that libido.. it ain’t over, you sound like a stand up guy. As for buying nice things, who cares, live within your means for now, and enjoy the small pleasures in life. Learn not to have to buy things to be happy.. if your low on funds focus on getting a higher paying job, but yiu need to be positive for it to happen.. otherwise the negativity will cloud your opportunities. Download some good shows to watch with your wife during these tight times, they are free to download man!! Cheer up, your insurance won’t cover thesuicide and plus, you won’t be successful at it, survive it and end up in a mental hospital sitting in a wheel chair shitting into a plastic bag. Reconsider. Haha.
My Insurance will pay, just not in the first year of taking out cover have had it for over 6 now. I do exercise and it helps. My libido is low but also boredom has set in with our sex life as well. I love my wife and have never cheated but boy! do I want to feel that rush again of exciting sex. I want to live, but it seems that I cant afford to. I am in a specialized field and have no money to retrain and don’t even know what to do. My wife wants nice things and meals out, that is who she is and I cant give it to her. I feel useless. Thanks for your concern and advice.
You can still walk your gay daughter down the aisle, (depending on where you live), and she can have a baby or two and carry on the family name. There are worse calamities in life than having a gay daughter.
As far as the rest of it goes: That’s rough. Viagra? Good Luck.
Hey Balancer. The number one category for successful suicides is “white males over 50”. Teens get all the hype, but us old dudes know how to make it happen. Same happened to me at the age of 56. I’d list everything that’s been stripped from my life, but you did a good job listing those things in your post. Prostate cancer operation took my sex life. Old age, layoffs and upheaval in printing business took my 39 years in that trade. Over 3,000 jobs applied to and still no luck. Got accepted to Peace Corp but the cancer kept me out. Boy, self esteem and the ego really takes a beating. Found myself at 2am climbing over a bridge, but climbed back down for whatever reason. Tried yoga, zen meditation, and all kinds of modalities to get a balance. I’m 63 now and have managed to find a place mentally where I just shrug when a friend leaves or something I’ve been trying gets stripped away. I’ve accepted that everything will eventually fall away. It’s almost comforting and there’s a lightness now to my life without all that junk I used to hold on to and think as important. Nothing is so important and everything will fall away. Good luck..hang in there..there’s a peace just down the road.
Randall, I feel that I could just let it all slip away as well and lead a simple life, but I feel I have an obligation to take care of my wife as she has had a recent cancer scare and it is my nature to provide, I always have. I cant leave her and go all Zen and stuff as much as I would like to. As for the end Randall there would be no mistake, it would be lights out as you said. Thanks man.