Hello all! I feel a dire need to express feelings normally hidden by my outwardly cheerful facade; I’m your average 90s kid, born ’87, and I’ve had my share of depression, tried to kill myself twice, both times I’m happy to say were unsuccessful (poison both times). But over time I matured learned to find ways to enjoy life, and save my death for a worthy cause. I think my decision to savor life has made someone very unhappy, I’ve felt there’s been people out to get me for a long time, although that wasn’t the cause of my depression it certainly weighed on me. Around the time I turned 16 and started working, reading newspapers and having access to Internet information, I found a great distaste for authority, more so than even the angstiest of teens. It manifested in a renewed interest in my physical health, martial competence, and scholarly pursuits. I got back my svelte figure with daily independent Kung fu practice, I began studying other languages (mandarin and Spanish) and I even learned to throw knives (vid available on mah fb page!) honestly, I was starting to really enjoy life, my social skills were picking up, I developed an interest in my appearance and had a unique style of dress; but the aforementioned someones were REALLY unhappy with that. I began to notice small things, furtive glances with cruel smiles from people I’d never met. My skin grew thicker, but They escalated their tactics as well, mocking shouts from the safety of a crowd and word choices implying knowledge of my past. Thus bringing us to today where I believe They have escalated once again with sabotage tactics intended to drive me mad. I writ an email from one of my accounts to another, it never arrived. The impetus behind the experiment was an ever growing lack of replies from potential employers. In one month I’ve had 5 flat tires, seemingly out of nowhere. This is just a small sample of the many instances of sabotage committed against my person. I feel that whoever they are, they’ve made it their mission to flood me in despair, knowing they couldn’t take me in a fair fight, they rely on subterfuge guerrilla tactics in an attempt to get me to do myself in. I’m not on drugs, and I count marijuana as a drug, I’d like to believe I’m not crazy, but there’s too many coincidences for it to be considered an anomaly. I’ve had another “accident” happen today to my vehicle, what makes it noteworthy is that just yesterday I had this exact phrase run through my mind “if everything goes to hell here, I’ve got around 1000 dollars and a car, I can pack up and head off into the sunset” it’s just ridiculous that the very next day my means of escaping despair has developed severe engine problems. i know they will be able to read this, they’ve already seemingly read my mind. YOU CANNOT STOP ME, I’LL PERSEVERE AS I ALWAYS HAVE.
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Have you ever talked to a psychiatrist? I’m not trying to be mean or hurtful or call you “crazy,” but from what you just typed it sounds like you have a lot of paranoia. Perhaps you should try talking to someone about this, someone who could possibly give you a diagnosis and help you.