I suggest poppy seed tea. Order a 5 lb bag of poppy seeds off amazon about 30 bucls and get a milk jug fill with warm water add seeds and a good splash of lemon juice. Shake for 10 minutes and then strain with coffee filter. Poppy seeds have resuide from the inside of the poppy plant most of this being morphine and codiene. Plus 20+ other opiates. 30 dollar suicide here I come. Tastes like shit the stronger the taste the more morphine. Mix this half and half with citrus soda pop a couple allergy pills and teylonal which both up the effects. One glass will have you nodding off. Mix well it settles to the bottom. More than that and you pass out. Do a good amount and it’ll kill you for sure not a bad way to go. Should be yellowish color. This is addictive BTW .. Its the acetaminophen in the pain meds that kills your liver. They put fucking posion in the pain meds. Tylonal is acetaminophen. It potentiates the effects ie makes it stronger same with antihystimes. You dont need the aceto just makes it go farther Just do the straight opiates and anything short of leathal does youll be find. Work 4-8 hours. 1 8oz glass. Like popping 2-3 norco 10mg
DEPECHE MODE (80s electro pop)!! lol I got my hands on a bunch of their albums but have only really been listening to Construction Time Again (their 3rd album). It’s such a glorious collection of sounds and catchy verses. If you have limited space on your phone, I suggest these 4 songs off that album.
Told You So
More Than a Party
The Landscape is Changing
Love, In Itself
Neil Young (folk/country) is really good also (another artist that I started listening to recently). His Greatest Hits album is a must have for any music lovers collection. My favorite songs of his:
Cowgirl in the Sand
Harvest Moon
Old Man
Heart of Gold
Cinnamon Girl
Southern Man
By the way, I can totally relate to that picture. I’m so glad that I’m allowed to wear headphones at work; 8 hours a day of listening to artists from all across time. I might be more inclined to end it all if I had to listen to repetitive water cooler conversations everyday. Headphones on, volume up, ignore the world… hell ya! I’m right there with you
These two recommendations are not my remedy though, but the exact opposite. I have gone through so much happiness and pain with those two tracks in my ears. There was someone that cared for me. Once I my life I didn’t feel alone. I wish had disappeared for good back in these days…
I can’t listen to two of my favorite hip-hop albums because they remind me of the hell of living with my ex two years ago. All I listened to during that long cold winter were those two tapes. Now, they sicken me.
The Mars Volta- Deloused in the Comatorium
Tom Waits- Used Songs 1973-1980
Allman Brothers- At Fillmore East
Neil Young- Tonight’s the Night
Bob Dylan- Highway 61 Revisited
Miles Davis- Live at Fillmore East
John Coltrane- Plays it Cool
I have no idea what you listen to so most likely you’ll find this music pretty odd but heh, here it goes:
T.M.Revolution (Undercover album is great, but i love everything by him), Abingdon Boys School (their first album is great), Gackt (Mars and Moon are amazing albums), Nana Mizuki (can’t remember songs or albums names sorry). Those are most of what i listen to (other than bon jovi and guns n roses, lol), it’s mostly rock/techno-ish stuff with japanese vocals (and some english lyrics here and there) but if you can get past the language barrier the music is great.
Some games have pretty good soundtracks too (Guilty Gear Vocal collection is pretty good, same with Megaman X4 to X6 soundtracks) but i don’t think many people listen to game music outside of games haha. Sorry for the unusual suggestions but it’s what i listen to.
Sucks for me that.. the world has not made me depressed.. it’s absolutely a beautiful phenomenon. .. its myself that has ruined me.. so how do I ignore that? I can’t…
I suggest poppy seed tea. Order a 5 lb bag of poppy seeds off amazon about 30 bucls and get a milk jug fill with warm water add seeds and a good splash of lemon juice. Shake for 10 minutes and then strain with coffee filter. Poppy seeds have resuide from the inside of the poppy plant most of this being morphine and codiene. Plus 20+ other opiates. 30 dollar suicide here I come. Tastes like shit the stronger the taste the more morphine. Mix this half and half with citrus soda pop a couple allergy pills and teylonal which both up the effects. One glass will have you nodding off. Mix well it settles to the bottom. More than that and you pass out. Do a good amount and it’ll kill you for sure not a bad way to go. Should be yellowish color. This is addictive BTW .. Its the acetaminophen in the pain meds that kills your liver. They put fucking posion in the pain meds. Tylonal is acetaminophen. It potentiates the effects ie makes it stronger same with antihystimes. You dont need the aceto just makes it go farther Just do the straight opiates and anything short of leathal does youll be find. Work 4-8 hours. 1 8oz glass. Like popping 2-3 norco 10mg
M83 – Midnight City is a really nice song. =)
Thank you!
DEPECHE MODE (80s electro pop)!! lol I got my hands on a bunch of their albums but have only really been listening to Construction Time Again (their 3rd album). It’s such a glorious collection of sounds and catchy verses. If you have limited space on your phone, I suggest these 4 songs off that album.
Told You So
More Than a Party
The Landscape is Changing
Love, In Itself
Neil Young (folk/country) is really good also (another artist that I started listening to recently). His Greatest Hits album is a must have for any music lovers collection. My favorite songs of his:
Cowgirl in the Sand
Harvest Moon
Old Man
Heart of Gold
Cinnamon Girl
Southern Man
Thank you! And nice to hear! 🙂
By the way, I can totally relate to that picture. I’m so glad that I’m allowed to wear headphones at work; 8 hours a day of listening to artists from all across time. I might be more inclined to end it all if I had to listen to repetitive water cooler conversations everyday. Headphones on, volume up, ignore the world… hell ya! I’m right there with you
Ludovico Einaudi – Exit
Mono – Pure as snow
These two recommendations are not my remedy though, but the exact opposite. I have gone through so much happiness and pain with those two tracks in my ears. There was someone that cared for me. Once I my life I didn’t feel alone. I wish had disappeared for good back in these days…
Thank you!
I can’t listen to two of my favorite hip-hop albums because they remind me of the hell of living with my ex two years ago. All I listened to during that long cold winter were those two tapes. Now, they sicken me.
Bluetooth headphones all the way… ????
The Mars Volta- Deloused in the Comatorium
Tom Waits- Used Songs 1973-1980
Allman Brothers- At Fillmore East
Neil Young- Tonight’s the Night
Bob Dylan- Highway 61 Revisited
Miles Davis- Live at Fillmore East
John Coltrane- Plays it Cool
Man, I could keep going….
I have no idea what you listen to so most likely you’ll find this music pretty odd but heh, here it goes:
T.M.Revolution (Undercover album is great, but i love everything by him), Abingdon Boys School (their first album is great), Gackt (Mars and Moon are amazing albums), Nana Mizuki (can’t remember songs or albums names sorry). Those are most of what i listen to (other than bon jovi and guns n roses, lol), it’s mostly rock/techno-ish stuff with japanese vocals (and some english lyrics here and there) but if you can get past the language barrier the music is great.
Some games have pretty good soundtracks too (Guilty Gear Vocal collection is pretty good, same with Megaman X4 to X6 soundtracks) but i don’t think many people listen to game music outside of games haha. Sorry for the unusual suggestions but it’s what i listen to.
Thank you! I dont think its odd because im asian hehe. Thanks for the recommendations! 😀
Sucks for me that.. the world has not made me depressed.. it’s absolutely a beautiful phenomenon. .. its myself that has ruined me.. so how do I ignore that? I can’t…
Sorry to hear. Hang in there! Hugs
A Fine Frenzy – One Cell in the Sea
Thank you!