Hello SP friends. I had planned on signing off tomorrow, but see, my fiance has an important job interview the next day. He told me if I were to do anything tomorrow, he’d never be able to go through with the interview and he’d be screwed over, as well as without me in the world. So I decided I won’t do it tomorrow so that he can get his job. I’ll just have to find another day to do it. Until then, I’m listlessly floating through life, spending all of my free time sleeping. Maybe I should be more social? If anyone needs someone to talk to, I’ve been around the block a few times. I can offer advise or just listen. My email is unsharpened.crayons@hotmail.com. Drop me a line.
Failing to wrap my head around this.
Your fiancé is asking you not to kill yourself so as not to spoil his interview? Fuck me sideways.
I say drop him and your life will become infinitely more bearable almost immediately