looking at post i wanted to get in touch with writer but the dates were old, so ill post, the writer said he just bot the tank, cracked it a bit and wallaaaaah… im having trouble with the 400 dollar price of the exit site regulator and the welder supply said they have nothing at all that allows a constant flow….(oops this was for a helium idea, now im thinking ********) Someone said they know all about ******** here, could you tell me why i cant just crack it open and walllaaaahh, actually, this would be as close as i can get so it would be nice if this works… also, a easy nasal cannula tubing purchase would be good too as that goes into nostrals and all the hoopla about co2 and what not would be pretty nullified… thanks.. id love a seeker who is so sure like myself, with years to consider and consider and consider…. not just a quick solution person, to befriend me on this… of course its not the daily topic im finding in everyday life, lots of sort of judgements and thats not the best way and the like…. so much ive not mentioned it… so if you wanta talk and befriend me that would be great.. im female, older enough and very sure..
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