these sites/things have been lovely in different ways at different times….. close if not this exact, its a storage for stories of near death experiences, all kinds, you couldnt read it all in a day), access consiousness/rikka zimmerman(the male founder said if things didnt change, he was gone…now rikka (plenty more than her out there with infinate positivity to spare, cant recall names)who is all over you tube is doing her own projects and is into loving self and intensely so), a church but not for the info(could be limited perspective) for the great music show and the super energy from thousands of ppl in intense joy that you can soak up for free), the biggie is the gym/cardio… unlimited classes: zumba,yoga,kickbox,bodypump,ujam,weightlift,waterobics, big pool,sauna,steam….the endorphin high is real(from cardio only)and can last for days, Bvits/minerals(just cause the body needs this stuff to work/feel well), buddha training says loves and hates lead you emotionally sort of astray and be more neutral zone bout everything(mainly hates cuz loves feels good) Thats my 2cents…. off top of my head of whats been good to me
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