sanity can fall so abruptly, with such disarming ease, and swifty become a casualty of life,
we are so quick to allow all things tragic that alight on all sides of this life to hold sway,
most of which we musnt only bear but abide by so it naturally follows that from time to time we
might hope for some permanent respite, and think sweetly upon death…. all have felt this way,
some more than others I suppose. this can be chalked up to the human condition, for us to feel as
though we’ve been cheated
God closes his eyes, breaths in deeply, so many jokes he plays, he has no time for laughter
The most common knee jerk response to people considering suicide of most well balanced people is
firstly a feeling of pity
They say that everyone dies twice over ….For every life a death is owed,
this is inherently known by all creatures who have a chance to grasp at life.. but for all the tithing, the taxes,
the pints of blood and the pounds of flesh suffering that we waste [=of all the prices we pay, forever indebted to life
“in measured hundred weight and penny pound” death is sui generis, because by definition,
it is the last and final payment, when u lose one more thing, the last thing, for the last time….
this thing that is due”, it has no name it can be called, words fall short, yet all the races of man
find it imperative to burden themselves with the grace to call each and every thing by it’s rightful, proper,
and true name…..