Everyone is all happy and festive today, which makes me even MORE annoyed, depressed and alone.
Do happy ppl annoy the shit out of you? It’s easy for people to say shit like “look on the bright side of things” or “it’s not that bad” or “good things will happen” when THEY don’t live the life you do or have the problems you do. I have a lot of real issues, not just depression and mental ones, but physical / health problems, financial problems, housing problems.
People are always telling you to THINK HAPPY and “take it one day at a time” or say shit like “I’ll pray for you” but no one ever fucking ever does anything to try and actually help you. I’m talking about the people who actually live near you, not internet buddies or random strangers on the net. I could understand a stranger saying that, but I hate hearing that shit from people who you know and who you have told your problems to. And all they do is say stupid shit that annoy the crap out of me.
Anyone who says those things above are just brushing me off, people who don’t care to help or listen. Which is EVERYONE. Hence, I am ALONE. Hence, Bah Humbug!
1 comment
they want to believe your pain is can be handle by yourself just because they dont want to be a bad person. they dont want to give their time on you, at the same time they dont want to be bad person. so they say ”think happy” instead of try to make you happy