My name is Kat and I’m a freelance writer working on a story about pro-suicide media. I was wondering if any of you have experiences with pro-suicide chat rooms/ forums/ sites that you might be open to sharing. I know this is a very sensitive topic, so no pressure whatsoever, but if you do feel comfortable sharing a story I would really appreciate the insight. Shoot me an email at Thanks for your help!
i’ll shoot u an email. what do u want to know specifically?
Well this site is sort of pro suicide by proxy.m
well technically they escape a lawsuit from the rules of engagement upon registration. thats how this site escapes the law actually. by stressing no methods and highlighting that it is a site to share stories.
in the long run i think this site has “saved” more people than aided in death. its cathartic. i blame it on the dark blue color. calming.
Thank you– I really appreciate it! I’m mostly interested in how and why you became involved with pro-suicide forums/ chatrooms, what you were hoping to get out of them, and just generally what your experience with them was like.
that was me that emailed u lolz. i’ll be in touch
I was bottling and getting more and more miserable. Just helped a lot to vent in an anonymous way that I could relate to people any people. You’ll see that many people hear talk about withdrawing from society as they become more depressed and especially if they are having suicidal thoughts. When you begin to think nobody in your life gives a fuck if you live or die and you are a burden. It’s a way to vent some steam. It’s like shouting at the wind. It makes you feel a little better. Saying things outloud or posting on a website of people in a similar mindset is therapeutic.