eu te amo tanto. gostosa
i love my bb girl tristeza. to da moon n bak te amo bblovebird
written by ifuckedthequeen
eu te amo tanto. gostosa
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Everybody got lots of love for Tristeza <3
That’s like saying we all love sadness (i find that a bit funny tbh), but seriously, she’s cool.
yeah. shes MY fuckin everlasting love. stuck with me thru it all. even got a tattoo for this bb. she earnt it. saved my life more than a few times this girl has. no woman has ever loved me like she has or ever will. she still gets me hard even though i feel like lady
That’s hardcore (the tattoo thing), but anybody that has done so much for you deserves it. Now, i didn’t really need to know about the hard part (guess nobody did, lol).
yeah. i got the title of one of the many poems she wrote for me on my left rib. never regret it. shes quite the writer too btw
And so are you, thank you mf!
Whoa there cowboy. Are we gonna have to fight this one out? I have my fencing sword at the ready.
(J/k, she’s my BFF, she’s the best. You might have to fight someone else for her, though.)
wait zalien ur her BFF? :O she never mentioned u. we might have to duke it out now. are u two secret loverzz?
…busted. This whole time I’ve been secretly plotting on how to steal her away from you. (Not an easy task. You’re quite a persistent inamorato.)
Haha nah, just ask her, she’ll tell you who I am.
i know zalien. i know. well youll have to one up a tattoo n thats pretty tough yknow. and you know i fight to the death for my lady
Well I told her I’m going to bring her a unicorn, and I’ll go to the ends of the earth to find one if I have to. You best keep on your game, loverboy, ’cause I’m a real charmer.
Dragons > Unicorns
Unicorn dragons
-Head explodes-
i already made her a unicorn out of the remains of all the faeries i caught and maimed and the horn was a purple dildo i superglued on. home made unicorn > found unicorn. sorry Zale, i am the game.
Yeah, she is amazing! (hehe tristeza fan club) 😉
and shes all mine muahhaha. shes the bomb dot com doe for realzz. never ever met sum1 like her in my whole life really. idk how she put up with all my insanity thus far. its a miracle rly
I can’t stop smiling now, this post and the entire comment thread cheered me up so much.
Kills, your potential is limitless and I will always, always love your beautiful soul; I see the real you (your good looks are just a bonus tbh). Nothing in this world could ever change that, I guess we both already got to this conclusion. I won’t ever drink from the Lethe.
And Zalien, you’re always with me, especially during the toughest days… I won’t ever be thankful enough. You’re such a big part of my life, with or without magical unicorns. You’re my BFF too and you have a piece of my soul there with you. I have a lot more to say, but not here on SP, so I will text you guys. I just want to make it clear that I thank this place so, so much because I had the chance to meet you guys here. And Duzo, lol. I met Duzo on a different website and after a few months we found out that we both were on SP…how crazy is that…thanks to that place too, but I am sure we’d end up meeting here because you’re always so fun and always treat people with empathy.
And I’m already your fan, Darvin. Your positivity and kindness are inspiring.
Thank you! 🙂 ‘You deserve every smile in the world.’ (Sounds a bit crazy in english)
I’m sure that sometimes I say things that sound crazy in English, but I don’t think that “you deserve every smile in the world” does — and even if it does, I want to tell you that you deserve every smile in the world too, Darvin. I don’t smile that much IRL; I deal with chronic pain, a troubled past and with many other problems that are consequences of how I was raised. I am a sad and broken person, that’s who I am. Idk if I can fix what I feel. Honestly, I know I don’t, but sometimes just seeing that someone out there takes his time to try to cheer people up here makes me smile. You’re awesome. I hope you can be even happier in the future.
Tristeza, I don’t know if you listen to much music, but sometimes when the world gets to be too much, it helps a little to take a time-out and get lost in music that soothes the soul. For me, that means Enya.
Especially these videos on YouTube:
Evening Falls
On Your Shore
(The first is my favorite. Just close your eyes and let the waves of music wash over you.)
Peace to you.
Enya is the double D tits eh. that expression is so crudely beautiful. “the tits”. cuz everyone loves tits, uh
@1bigzero this is my fave enya song https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=i7MLT4MmAK8 aka may it be. there are spaces in the link so it wont go to the corner of the room
Ifuckedthequeen, that’s a really nice one too. I’ll have to add it to my playlists.
Sometimes I think about creating a mix CD of Enya songs I’d like to have played at my funeral. That weird or what?
In going through the Enya videos, I just came across an amazing anime video for Now We Are Free. It’s the one that has what appears to be a warrior girl (Tristeza? :). ) in the foreground.
you do that. add’er up. load’er in. get’ir done. as the farmers say. I think that’s kinda dramatically grim. it’d be different for sure but to make it complete you’d have to have one of those middle earth funerals or viking funerals where they send the body down the river over the water fall. That and some fuckin enya would be epic.
yep. shes def a jungle warrior princess. shes fierce let me tell you. dont get her mad. shes all marshmellowy and cuddly on the outside until you get her mad. she pulls out the spear and her warrior cry and charges you. she always wins too.
@1bigzero I just watched the videos, sorry for taking so long to reply. I had to leave the house for a few hours.
That was my favorite too, thank you so much for sharing your favorites (from the ones you mentioned I really liked On your shore and Exile). Maybe her music can help me to sleep, I suffer from insomnia. And the last video… I think that girl is from Final Fantasy, maybe? I’m not sure, but I loved the video (: idk if I’m already a warrior girl, but I’m trying to become one.
I know it’s a different style, but I really like Björk, I’d definitely choose her music to play at my funeral… Idk if you know her music, but if you don’t maybe try to listen to Isobel, Joga, Pagan Poetry or Travessia (this one is in my language, Portuguese)
Tristeza, glad you liked the songs. One I forgot to mention is Smaointe. It’s at least as good as Evening Falls, maybe will make a nice lullaby. (It’s not in English, though, maybe Gaelic or Scottish.)
I’ve heard of Bjork, but aren’t familiar with her music. I’m going to check youtube for her and the others you mentioned.
@1bigzero Idk if you’ll like her, I don’t have any friends that do because she’s not exactly conventional. so no worries, you can be honest if you like her music or not lol. I will check out YouTube for Smaointe
@Tristeza, you’re right, Bjork is definitely different than the music I normally listen to! I liked Joga andTravessia the best. That latter song sounds like it could’ve been taken from the soundtrack of a romantic movie. (maybe not what she intended, since she’s more unconventional than that)
I also watched the video for I Miss You. I thought it was really funny, but it may give me some really strange dreams tonight.
@1bigzero I know, she’s “different” than all the other singers I listen to. That’s why I like her so much; and I like how exotic her voice is… Not to mention that she looks exotic as well, she’s beautiful but not according to the standards, I think. Smaointe: I replayed it twice but I guess that what I really like is her voice, not simply the music. Interesting, unique, soft voices are what get my attention.
PS. Pagan Poetry is my favorite video despite the first … uh weird 30 seconds. I mean, the entire video is weird, but I like that part when she’s wearing that topless dress and screaming (um. Describing that is weird)
@Tristeza, I went back and listened to Pagan Poetry again. (didn’t get past the weird part the first time, okay the REALLY weird part) That was a rather interesting dress she was wearing, if you can call it that – by the end, I wondered how much was dress and how much was strings of pearls(?) from piercings. Those looked a tad painful. She definitely has an exotic look to her; i was trying to figure out what her origins were throughout the videos. Sometimes seemed Asian, sometimes Norwegian? or around there.
That’s what attracts me to Enya, her voice. Anyone could sing those songs, but that voice is so beautiful. There’s a version of the Smaointe video with amazing Scottish scenery. Makes me wish again that I’d done a lot more traveling during the year I spent in England.
@1bigzero Iceland. I know, her looks are so different that it’s hard to tell where she came from. I really love her face, maybe just a bit less than I love her voice.
I think the dress is supposed to look beautiful and painful at the same time so it can match the lyrics, but idk. Maybe they were just looking for something shocking (as if the first 30 sec weren’t enough. But that’s Björk).
I hope that you get a new chance to see the Scottish scenery. I definitely want to travel soon, I just don’t know where I want to go first. That’s one of the reasons why I keep holding on; I know that this planet is beautiful and fantastic despite the troubles we humans cause.
@Tristeza, I hope you do get your dream of traveling one day. I don’t think it’s going to happen for me though, unless I win a lottery. Too poor and don’t like to fly.
Was kind of hoping I wouldn’t hear from you again tonight. Enya was supposed to make you drowsy. Get some sleep, you darned insomniac. 😉
@1bigzero “don’t like to fly”? We are opposites. Haha maybe it will, I’m just (sadly) not ready to sleep yet. Insomnia and internet won’t let me go to bed. I hope you’re already sleeping though.
Sleep well, sweet dreams!
Hi Tristeza. 🙂 Sorry if I’m a little late but I would like to thank you for all you’ve done and the kindness you have given me. You always take the time to comment on my posts and are always wishing me the best for the future. I am now wishing you the best and hope that you will be able to live a happy life because you deserve it.
You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. A true Sailor Senshi!
Thank you (: You always take time to comment and read and comment on mine too. I truly think you have a heart of gold, Hiohneh <3 I hope you can be very happy in your future and free from all the pain you've been living in.
And I loved that compliment, lol. If you happen to read this comment, check this out (it's funny):
Comment and read* oops -__-
look at how awesome this post turned out huh? better than u couldve ever imagined (; i think it accomplished the goal quite well.
the goal of finally flaunting ur beauty of course
@Tristeza – Thanks for sharing the video. I needed to laugh and you provided me with a smile. 🙂 Poor Sailor Pluto 🙁 Neil deGrasse Tyson ruins everything, but he’s so adorable as an anime character. D:
That’s sad. I’d date sailor pluto tho, she always looked like a kind, yet partially disturbed girl. Now i know that it was due to bullying from the other scouts tho, lol.
Pluto was… okay, heh. My favorite was (and still is) Venus. She’s always the funniest lol
@tristeza ok?? bb pluto is the ultimate under dog now. she’s not even considered a scout. shes depressed. shes like the poster girl for SP. shes blue too. i mean. like. the facts just line up like the planets and stars
haha i do feel bad for pluto. but neil degrasse tyson cmon brah. pluto will always be a planet in my books <3
So i’m not the only one who thinks sailor pluto would fit right in on sp? hahaha cool.
she should be on the fuckin home page naked with a banner of sp covering her nips. thats my ideal SP
I wish I had read these comments earlier… Lol poor Pluto.
I like Björk, I have a couple of her albums. She’s certainly unique.
*This comment was supposed to appear under Tristeza’s earlier. My phone refuses to behave
O: I never knew that before. How?
Mine does that too all the time lol
I’m going to send a playlist now lol check your inbox