What the fuck…why do i even try. Like deadass i am tired of silent tears finding there way down my face. Omg why or rather what am i doing wrong. I say i don’t need you but i am lying. I do need you. Please help me. Please….
What the fuck…why do i even try. Like deadass i am tired of silent tears finding there way down my face. Omg why or rather what am i doing wrong. I say i don’t need you but i am lying. I do need you. Please help me. Please….
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What do u need help with?
Diet plays a huge part in how we feel. Lighter foods like raw fruits and vegetables or juices/smoothies can help raise you up while heavier foods can bring you down. Also herbs like turmeric & cayenne pepper are pretty amazing. I don’t know what you’re dealing with in life, but if you’re willing to try herbs like turmeric they should at least lighten your mood a bit. They don’t taste great by themselves but neither does medicine. Just trying to help as you asked, I wish you well.
I need help with understanding why things happen to me. Why i do certain thing?? How i can change me to be what they want??
It’s actually kinda easy to change. The hard part about it is maintaining it and in the first place what to change to/into.
The question “Why we do what we do” if you want a scientific stand point. It’s because of factors such as attitudes, cultures, beliefs and genes.
You shouldn’t change yourself for anyone else. Just be you and if they don’t like you for that then they’re not worth being around.
It takes time to change. But you should only change for yourself. Sometimes there is no reason at all why terrible things are inflicted on a person. The one thing you can do is change your future.
I’m still looking for the same answers.