I haven’t posted anything about myself yet.. May be too hopeless, lazy to even type or share!! Hardly any motivation to live..Anyways any suggestions, self help books recommendations which really works??
I haven’t posted anything about myself yet.. May be too hopeless, lazy to even type or share!! Hardly any motivation to live..Anyways any suggestions, self help books recommendations which really works??
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Juat talk it out. 🙂
Listen to Monster, talk it out
Talk it out on here i meant
Walk forward and keep talking.
Please excuse me for being a hypocrite and suggesting what I am no longer even bothering to do:
Meditation – it is known to be helpful when practiced regularly.
Maybe read the Tao Te Ching or Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Thank u all for motivating me to verbally vomit and @mysterious visitor: does meditation works at this stage.. I mean doesn’t it backfire??
Meditation is something that you learn slowly, over time. I think that it’s most likely to backfire if people misunderstand it or expect something from it other than its true intention (which is fairly common in Western society).
If a person is concerned about how to begin, it might be better to buy some books or have an instructor. I don’t know what they offer where you live, but some places have “drop in” meditation classes and all they ask for is a small donation.
I have found some of the instruction in a magazine called The Empty Vessel to be helpful.
A great place to start might be Tai Chi exercises.
Oh, and despite the title, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius actually has nothing to do with meditating. LOL
Hi mute_spectator_indian,
I agree with mysteriousvisitor about meditation. While doing it and over the long term it can bring a sense of wellbeing. One book I can recommend is a book called With Each and Every Breath.
I know your recommendation was for Mute, but I just downloaded this (it was free). Thank you. Your comment also reminded me to mention “The Breath of the Tao and the Tao of Breathing”, which is extremely short and also free.
Your very welcome. The author (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) is someone I really respect. From my research he seems to be the leading guy in the west in articulating what authentic Buddhism(not the usual mumbo jumbo) is, and what the meditation exactly as the Buddha taught is. The meditation method taught in the book is unique in that way. He also has free audio talks on a wide variety of topics which I have benefited a lot from. If you search Thanissaro Bhikkhu on google, the links pointing to the sites audiodharma and dharmaseed contain those talks.